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Just as Kevin reached the second door and swiped the access card, the people giving chase finally caught up to him.

"Stop! Don't move or we'll shoot!"

"Put your hands above your head!"

Five armed men approached him step by step, with their guns pointed right at him.

Kevin ignored them. He had gone through the whole ordeal before and knew that these people would not shoot easily; he was more valuable alive than dead.

There is no use experimenting on a dead body, at least if he dies during an experiment, he can still provide some useful data.

As they slowly stepped closer, Kevin simply walked backwards through the door that he had already opened.

His eyes were staring at the guards, looking for any signs of aggression.

If they made any move to shoot, he would immediately try to use a rebound shield or space transfer to dodge.

Fortunately, they did not shoot and instead communicated his location to the rest of the teams. Waiting for others to cover all the exits, surround the mutant from all sides and finally catch the turtle in the jar.

Kevin made sure to pay close attention while running towards the final gate.

Rapid footsteps sounded from every direction, echoing loudly through the corridors.

When he reached the exit gate, his steps gradually came to a stop because Kevin couldn't help but feel uneasy as he glanced at the unguarded gate at the end of the corridor.

Several footsteps approached from behind him and when he turned around he saw that there were dozens of armed men pointing their weapons at him.

Some of them were looking at him with amusement, as they recognized him from his previous escape attempt.

Kevin tried swiping the access card at the door but an error message sounded out.



Kevin was cornered. Behind him was a solid metal door and in front of him were a dozen armed men.

He finally knew why the guards didn't stop him from approaching the exit.

Looking at his futile actions, the faces of the dozens of surrounding armed men became even more playful, and some even couldn't help laughing.

Captain Kenneth "Kenny" Mitchell came forward with his hands behind his back and sighed when got a closer look at his face, "Why is it you again?"

"There's nowhere for you to run boy, it's best that you stop resisting now."

He paused a few feet away from him and said, "Don't even think of using your abilities, if you try to resist..." he smiled and pointed towards the dozen men behind him, "...my men here will turn you into a sieve."

He looked at the boy with a look of nuisance. He had already captured him once and didn't feel like spending any more energy on this useless mutant. He almost wanted the boy to do something stupid so he could get rid of the boy once and for all.

Kevin looked around, trying to remember as many faces as possible and then a smile graced his lips, "I'd like to see you try."

[Space Transfer Experience +1]

Amid the unbelievable expressions of the group, his figure flickered and disappeared.

"This is impossible!"

Kenny's smile froze on his face, none of the people around could believe what their eyes were seeing.

The mutant disappeared?!

What kind of mutant ability is this?

They had been informed of the mutant's ability in advance, and it had something to do with light and not teleportation. Unless...
Captain Kenny smiled a little, pulled out his weapon from the holster and fired at the empty space in front of him.

Bang bang bang...

He expected cries of pain and spluttering of blood on the floor, thinking that #37 had simply turned invisible. But he was disappointed once again. His face changed slightly and turned red. "Open the door, that rat must have teleported outside!"

"He couldn't have gone too far!"

Kevin made a run towards the parking lot after making quick work of the two guards outside the door.

"Huhu..." Kevin panted as he ran as fast as he could.

The injuries may not have completely healed, and he had never not exercised before. It made his heart beat like a drum.

His eyes lit up when he saw two researchers talking not too far.

Seeing him running towards him, the expressions on the two researchers' faces changed fast; they quickly turned around to run.

But before they could take a few steps, a ray of black particles shot towards them.

[Black Particle Experience +1]

Before they knew it, one of the researchers fell to the ground, clutching his leg.

"The next one will be aimed at your head if you try to move."

Kevin warned the other person who was about to leave his friend and run. Feeling that there was only enough left in his body to use his ability seven more times, a frown came over Kevin's face.

Looking at the gaping hole in his friend's stomach, the researcher raised his hands and said, "Hey man, I'm just an intern. I don't know anything."

"Your car keys, now!"

"Here! Take it, man, here's my wallet, here's my phone, take whatever you want..."

"Shut the fuck up or I'll blow your brains out!" Kevin said, pointing his fingers at the man's head.

The researcher took a glace at the finger gun and then his companion cryin' on the ground and finally sealed his lips.

Kevin quickly snatched the car key from the man, "Which one is yours?"

"That one... the black Camry... well, it's really my brother's but he doesn't really use it anymore..."

The sound of the large metal door opening came from the base and sounds of gunshots rang out.


The windbag researcher beside him screamed and fell to the ground.

Kevin's face changed wildly. He ducked and instantly shifted in space, leaving his original position.

[Space Transfer Experience +1]

Bang Bang, the sound of bullets hitting the ground where he had been a few instances ago, made him break out in a cold sweat.

This is not a movie, TV show or a Broadway show. If he gets shot, he will probably fall to the ground and howl in pain, and not continue running like a video game protagonist.

Knowing that he wasn't reincarnated as Rambo, he didn't dare to conserve the energy in his body anymore and flashed a few more times in an instant.
  [Space Transfer Experience +1]

[Space Transfer Experience +1]

[Space Transfer Experience +1]

Because of the dark, and the silent teleportation, it was almost impossible to spot Kevin and he managed to reach the car that had been pointed at by the researcher.

But the beeping noise made by the car as soon as he unlocked the door gave away his position.

The sounds of gunshots rang out followed by the sound of the car's rear windshield breaking. Kevin quickly got in the car.


A cry of pain escaped his mouth just as he tried closing the door after getting into the driver's seat.

A bullet had gone straight through his left forearm.

Kevin's face turned pale but the adrenaline running through his veins kept him focused on the task at hand.

He quickly lowered his head, turned the key with his right hand, and stepped on the accelerator, trying to get out of the parking lot as fast as possible.


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