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Kevin squeezed out all the remaining energy in his body and formed a rebound shield to cover the back of the car.

[Rebound Shield Experience +1]

A rain of bullets came flying towards the barrier faster than the speed of sound; but then, an astonishing scene occurred!
The space barrier fluctuated slightly, and the bullets seemed to be swallowed by the barrier and disappeared without a trace!
At the same time, Kevin got a vision of bullets entering an empty void. In that space, the metal bullets rapidly decomposed into...nothing...eroded by the void.

The kinetic energy carried by the bullets was also absorbed by this space and combined to form a blue energy layer around the shield.

Kevin had a hunch that he could reflect this energy as long as he wanted to but he couldn't do so now; it took all his focus to drive with one arm injured and he didn't have it in him to aim backwards.

At this moment, his attention was completely absorbed by the severe pain coming from his arm and controlling the direction of the vehicle. His brain had hardly any other thoughts to pay attention to.

The car rushed away from the base at incredible speed, leaving behind a pissed Captain Kenny.
"Mother fucker! Should have shot that bastard!"

Captain Kenny looked very ugly as he looked at the black vehicle driving away in the night in the moonlight.

"And who the fuck taught him to drive! I thought he'd never been out of his cell!"

There was silence all around, nobody really had an answer. #37 was created in the facility and he'd never seen the outside world. How he learned to drive was anyone's guess.

"What are you lot staring at my face for, get in the fucking car and go after him!"

Just when he ordered the pursuit, Kevin had already gained a considerable head start. He had turned on the GPS navigation and was driving straight towards the nearest city.

His forehead was covered with sweat, and his face had turned pale due to blood loss.

It was only due to his strong desire to live, the absence of other vehicles on the road, and the fact that he had worked as an Uber driver in his past life that he hadn't crashed the car yet.

Looking at the speeding vehicle in the distance, Kenny shouted at his driver.

"Hurry up! Catch him before he kills himself!"    
The guard driving the car was already sweating, "I'm going as fast as I can, Sir!"

"Then go faster damn it!"

They could only watch as the car got closer and closer to the city. The bullets fired at it seemed to have no effect at all.

Kenny had a cold look on his face, "I'll see how far you can run! Sooner or later you'll end in my grasp, and this time..." He was already imagining all the delightful torture he would inflict upon the boy once in his grasp.

Soon they approached the slums outside the city and saw a black vehicle riddled with bullet holes with smoke coming out of the engine. The boy was nowhere to be seen and it was difficult to find any traces in the night.

After searching for a while and failing to find any clues, Kenny had to return to the base.

"Keep searching! I want him found before dawn!" He barked his final order before returning.

Experimental Base No. 23.

Inside an Executive suite office located at the centre of the institution, the hot-blooded captain sat with the demeanour of a drowned mouse.

"Can you please explain to me the circumstances under which a low-level mutant managed to escape this super secure facility under the watchful eyes of your extremely competent men?"

The middle-aged man leaning back on the chair, wearing a black suit and slicked-back hair, asked a sweating Kenny in a casual tone.

Despite the casual tone and the friendly smile of the man, Kenny knew that Alejandro was anything but friendly. Usually, when your boss gets angry at you, you would at worst lose your job, but with Alejandro, you might just inexplicably disappear and find yourself on his experiment table.

Kenny did his best to calm his nerves and said, "We were caught off guard sir, the mutant displayed abilities that were not mentioned in the briefing..."

Hearing this, Alejandro's expression turned a little curious, "Is that so?"

Originally, he didn't care much about this #37. After all, it was just an ordinary experimental subject in his eyes. There were many second-grade mutants locked in this facility.

He picked up the newly arrived file on his table and gave it a casual read.

It contained an analysis of #37's newly demonstrated abilities as well as his complete history since the day of his creation.

Two new abilities have been briefly introduced:

Mutant ability-Teleportation:
The mutant seems to be capable of short-distance teleportation and does not seem to require a visual lock on the target location.

Mutant ability-Energy beams:

Mutant is capable of emitting dark energy beams. Initial analysis shows that the beams have a high degree of penetration, capable of decomposing any matter they touch. The specific upper limit of damage is unknown and requires further testing...

In a short period, the researchers had managed to analyse Kevin's abilities quite accurately.

If the effect of the rebound shield hadn't been very subtle, and had it not been quite dark at the time, they would have analysed it as well.

After going through the supposed new abilities that managed to catch the entire security team with their pants down, Alejandro lost interest in #37 once again.

"Tch, it's still a failure..."

He shook his head.

As a mutant cloned from the genes of two A-class mutants, # 37 only had this much to show. To be honest, he was quite disappointed; after all, he had headed the Omega Project personally and held very high expectations for it.

At first, he could only absorb sunlight and was disregarded as a failure. Now it turns out that the kid had managed to hide his best abilities and they only turned out to be this much?

Can Teleport, but just a few meters? We have speedsters that run faster than sound.

Can shoot black lasers but what's the use? Just use a gun to kill people and a rocket launcher to blow up walls. We already have laser weapons anyway, there's nothing novel about lasers anymore.

"What a waste of time and money." He sighed, "Just get him back to base. Let's see if we can juice him up and increase his teleportation range."



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