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"The misery you've sown is about to reap its consequences."

He said as he pointed a finger at himself, drawing looks full of confusion and amusement from the researchers. A ray of black shot out from Kevin's finger, slicing cleanly through the collar around his neck and leaving a small hole in the wall next to him.

[Black Particle Experience +1]

The looks of amusement quickly turned into horror as the sound of the collar hitting the ground rang loudly in the quiet corridor.

"How can this..?"

"Oh dear God!"

Gavin, in particular, could not believe his eyes.

"Stop... You...Stop him!" The lead researcher said with panic in his voice, pushing Gavin to the front and trying to get behind his associates, only to find that they all had already retreated several feet behind him.

"For all your good deeds..." Kevin said, looking at them as if bestowing a judgment, "I give you death."

[Black Particle Experience +1]

[Black Particle Experience +1]

Two black particle beams shot from his fingers at speeds beyond human comprehension. One could say that they never saw it coming.

"Ah..." "Gahh.." "Huu"

Three distinct screams rang out: the first to cry out was the guard, who fell to the ground with a look of disbelief on his scarred face.

The other two came from the lead researcher and the unfortunate assistant, hiding close behind him.

As the screams rang out, the remaining three researchers turned around and clumsily fled, stumbling and screaming for help.

"This shouldn't...be..., you... you were just a weak...trash..."

Gavin mumbled with a look of unwillingness in his eyes. The middle-aged researcher lying on the ground not too far away looked puzzled.

This was not what the file said; it clearly stated that No. 37 was a failure from the omega project, having only the ability to absorb sunlight. Then how did it gain the ability to emit high-energy lasers?

Looking at Kenvin's nearing figure and the finger that was pointing at his head, a few incoherent words escaped Gavin's mouth in horror, "No..you can't..."

Kevin stepped on the man's ugly face and squeezed it hard against the hard concrete floor.

His reddened eyes stared at the man who had made life hell for the previous tenant of his body and asked, "Ha, I can do whatever I want now, Gavin."

"Please...don't... I have childr..."

Unfortunately, before he could finish his words, A jet-black wave of black particles struck right between his two unwilling eyes.

[Black Particle Experience +1]

"My condolences for their loss," said Kevin.

The man died instantly, and disgusting liquid flowed out of his broken nostrils. It was a seemingly painless death for a man with his karma.

Kevin felt strangely relieved. The hatred weighing heavily over his chest had lightened a bit. Unfortunately, he didn't have much time to relax; he didn't have too long before the whole base would be alerted.

Turning to look at the middle-aged researcher lying on the ground, he ran over and groped around him.

"What do you want to do?!" The man said, terrified of meeting the same fate.

Kevin ignored his blabbering and snapped the access card from his belt, but as he was getting up to leave, he caught a glimpse of a document slipping out of the file handed to the researcher earlier.

Kevin gave it a casual glance but was shocked just by reading the first few lines.

"#37: A failed product from the Omega project. Specimen cloned from the genetic material of Magneto(Max Eisenhardt), The Professor(Charles Xavier) and the female mutant Dazzler. #37 has failed to manifest any valuable mutant abilities; inheriting only light light absorption and enhanced physical recovery from the specimen Dazzler.

STATUS: #37 has been deemed a failure and marked for termination.

UPDATE: #37 was reassigned to the Weaponized Cancer Program(WCP) at Dr. Reinhardt Weber's request."

"What the actual fuck?"

Genetic clone designed from the combination of Magneto and Professor X?
Does that mean he doesn't even have a real family? Is Magneto his biological father? What about Professor X? And who was this Dazzler woman?

What kind of a sci-fi bullshit plot was this? Is the technology in the Marvel world so advanced?

'And why the hell do they want to weaponize cancer? Wait! Does that mean I have cancer?'

Suddenly the short lifespan made a lot of sense.

Luckily he didn't have a lot of time to process this as blaring alarms rang through the corridors, reminding Kevin of his predicament.

He hurriedly picked up the access card and the document and ran towards the metal gate.

As for the two researchers lying on the floor, he didn't have time for them. They wouldn't survive anyway. The missing internal organs and the extensive blood loss should do the job.

He only had enough energy left for about ten more black particle blasts and needed to be used wisely.

'Next time, let's aim for their heads,' he thought. This time, he had aimed at their chests for the fear of missing their heads and wasting energy, but now he was more or less confident in this aim.

Thinking about it, he sighed, "There is still too little energy in the body... I just hope it's enough to get out of here."

He swiped the card at the access panel of the metal door, hoping for the best.

With a beep, the door slid open!

Fortunately, there was no biometric authentication, otherwise he would have had to waste more energy.

He rushed out and ran towards the next door.

While he was escaping, the entire base was in chaos.

The piercing sirens sounded throughout the base, alerting the staff and prisoners that someone was trying to escape.

"Quick, quick!"

"All teams, be advised, there is a mutant on the loose!"

"I repeat, A mutant on the loose!"

"He is unarmed but dangerous. Proceed with caution!"

Armed personnel were quickly mobilized throughout the base.

Sounds of hurried footsteps rang in the corridors. Some were running to the mutant, while others were guarding the exits, waiting.

The mutants and the ordinary prisoners in the cells looked astounded, peering out of their cells, through the iron bars, hoping to get a look at the escapee.

"How's it possible? Wasn't there an escape a few days ago as well?"

"They haven't learned their lesson yet, idiots!"


Some people were surprised at the lack of caution from the authorities, some sneered at the feeble attempt at escape, and some were hoping for the mutant to successfully escape this place and get some help for them as well.

"I wonder who is so stupid to run away..."

The freckled young man who had spoken to Kevin during the day could not help but think of a figure in his mind.

Is it him?
"No, it can't be. That guy just tried to escape a few days ago. The injuries on his body still haven't healed. It shouldn't be him."

"We'll find out who it is tomorrow..."

"Hahaha, That's right, I want to look at that mutant and laugh a few times..."

Most people didn't want to see Kevin succeed. They didn't want anyone else to gain his freedom, while they themselves were locked in. Jealousy is one of the seven dangerous sins and it quickly enveloped the whole prison.

But Kevin didn't care what the prisoners thought of him, he had already arrived at the second door.



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