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The next day.

The sun had just risen when Kevin woke up to a series of notification sounds.

[Light Energy +1]

[Light Energy +1]

Kevin opened his eyes and focused on the panel.

[Name: Kevin]

[Age: 16 (remaining life span 82 days)]

[Mutant abilities: Imitation, Energy absorption]

[Current imitation Target: Orochi (Title: The Sun God, Will of the Earth)]

(Unlock progress 23%)

[Abilities: Black Particles (1/100) Level 1

Rebound Shield (0/100) Level 1 ]

[Energy Points: 44]

Kevin was a little disappointed seeing the pitiful number of energy points accumulated through the night, but he was also not surprised.

The effect of moonlight is very weak to begin with, but with the moon's shifting position, it's pretty good to be able to absorb even this much.

At first, he tried to add energy points to the black particle's experience bar, but he was disappointed.

"It seems I can't level up my abilities with energy points."

After a moment of regret, he turned his attention to the unlocking progress.

As the energy turned to zero, the progress bar reached 24%.

Slightly disappointed, he could only wait.    
Time passed quickly as Kevin greedily absorbed what little sunlight fell into his cell...

[Light Energy +1]

[Light Energy +1]

[Light Energy +1]

After an unknown amount of time, a familiar sound of heavy boots echoed through the corridor.

With a clang, a dirty plate with the familiar mouldy piece of bread and a bowl of cold soup with a faint odour were placed on the ground.

Frowning at yesterday's meal being served again, Kevin looked at the man with indifferent eyes.

Gavin gave him a mocking smile, turned around and left, looking quite pleased with himself.

Kevin had to struggle very hard to stop himself from using black particles to add a brand new scar to that smug face.

"Just a bit more..." he consoled himself and focused on collecting the required energy points for the next ability. Once he felt that he had collected enough, he used them all at once and the unlocking progress directly jumped two points.

[Unlocking progress 26%]

A prompt sounded.

[Ability: Space Transfer (Unlocked)]

The sound of this notification was like music to his ears.

"Space transfer is finally here!"

With this ability, Kevin is a lot more confident of his prison break!
If he hadn't already experimented with black particles and known of the obvious shortcomings of the first-level ability, he would have wanted to teleport directly outside the experimental base.

But this time, from experience and from the instinctual feeling he got from the ability itself, he felt that it could only teleport him within the range of a few meters at most.

"Forget it, it's still quite useful. I can just teleport to the other side of a wall and escape encirclements."

He also felt that the upper limit of light energy stored in his body had increased again, and he should now be able to cast about thirteen black particles!
"It'll have to do."

Whether I'll do it or not, Kevin was looking forward to finding out tonight.

Time passed quickly in the prison, in addition to absorbing sunlight like a starved plant, Kevin also took advantage of the break time to roughly mark out his escape route.

As the clock approached seven o'clock in the evening, the unlocking progress reached 34%.

Kevin had decided to wait till at least eleven o'clock before making a move but an unexpected guest decided to pay him a visit.

The familiar set of footsteps rang in the corridor, giving Kevin a bad feeling.
"What the hell is he doing here?"
He frowned when Gavin's ugly smug face stared at him.

"Out! It's time for you to be of some use," he said opening the cell door.

Kevin could see the malice in Gavin's eyes but surprisingly he also sensed a hint of pity in them, as if looking at a dog about to be euthanised.

Kevin's heart skipped a beat and he had a premonition that it was now or never.

If he doesn't run away from this familiar process, he must prepare to die!

"Get a move on, to Lab No. 4," said the man, roughly shoving Kevin out of the cell.

Taking a deep breath, Kevin suppressed the thought of blasting a hole through his head and rushing out of there with all his might.

'No! Not yet...'

His brain worked at maximum capacity to come up with all sorts of scenarios to get him out of this situation. The faster his brain worked, the calmer he became.

'No, this isn't a crisis but an opportunity,' he thought with heart racing.

It just so happened that the laboratory was very close to the entrance and escaping from there would save him a lot of trouble. And who knows, he might as well get a chance to take revenge on all those who experimented on him.

'If I'm lucky, I might be able to get my hands on an access card, making things a lot easier.'

Even though he now has the ability of [Space Transfer], Kevin would still like to save as much energy as he can for emergencies.

Kevin planned all this in his head as he obediently made his way to the laboratory, being occasionally shoved by his escort and being sneered at.

After passing through several guarded doors, they finally arrived at the mutant experiments labs.

Kevin's feet suddenly froze near the observation window of Lab 3. He looked at the disemboweled mutant tied to the operation table who was somehow still struggling and felt a horrible sensation rise from his bowls.

Noticing the horrible expression on his face, Gavin looked quite pleased and sneered, "Only a god-forsaken devil spawn can survive being opened up like that."

"Had it been up to me, I'd just kill you all, cleanse the earth of filth," he said in a voice full of malice.

Noticing the undisguised anger on Kevin's face, he said in a mocking voice, "At least this one won't die alone. You will soon go down and accompany him."

At this time, there was a sound of multiple pairs of footsteps ahead approaching them, a group of researchers in white coats came over.

The one leading the group was a middle-aged man who examined the pale young man with short chestnut hair and sharp blue eyes with a look full of scrutiny.

He asked calmly, "Is this No. 37?"

He then skimmed through the stack of information handed to him by his assistant.

"Yes." Gavin, who was behind Kevin, nodded.

As he spoke, he raised his right hand to shove Kevin a final time into their hands.

However, what surprised him was that the useless filth who had been obedient till now, actually dared to dodge his hand.

"Huh! You dare resist?"

Gavin's face was full of mock surprise as if he had been waiting for this moment.

He stretched out his hand to catch Kevin again but only caught air.

When the lead researcher saw this, annoyance flashed in his eyes, and he said with a slight frown, "No. 37, it's in your best interest to comply, otherwise we have ways to make you..."

He didn't take the mutant in front of him seriously. What can a frail boy with a mutant controller do? If he resists, it will be a little troublesome that's all, he was used to it.

"You better cherish what's coming, cause it might be the last thing you feel,"

Gavin laughed menacingly, and a cruel look flashed in his eyes. He had been waiting to lay his hands on this freak, but the little bastard hadn't given him an excuse.

The researchers all looked at this like they were watching a show. This was not the first time they had seen this kind of thing. Occasionally they got mutants who struggled a little before being reminded of their place in this world.

In the end, without exception, they all met the same fate on the experiment table. There was no reason to believe that this time would be any different.

However, just as they expected Gavin to easily subdue Specimen No 37, they heard a small but eerie voice coming out of the frail lamb, "You have caused too much suffering in this world."




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