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Looking at the enchanting figure in red, a name arose in Kevin's mind.

Wanda Maximoff, The Scarlet Witch!

As soon as the name came to his mind, he came back to his senses.

"Oh my god, is it her?"

Thinking of the Scarlet Witch, Kevin couldn't help but be a little doubtful.

This individual is not your run-of-the-mill Marvel character. She possesses chaos magic that can distort and modify reality itself!

Not only is she an Omega-level mutant, but he also one with terrifying strength.

In the comics, due to the severe grief of losing her children, she had a mental breakdown and warped reality twice. Once making mutants the dominant race on Earth and then wiping out almost all mutants with just three freaking words: "No More Mutants".

Even though she's not as exaggerated in the MCU, she was still able to enslave an entire town, revive her dead lover and even give birth to two kids with him.

Some even say that Wanda essentially used her chaos magic to transform 'Doctor Strange 2' into 'Wanda's Search for a Family', reducing Doctor Strange to an inconspicuous supporting role in his own story.

"If the next person to be imitated is her, does that mean that I can also wield chaos magic?"

Just the thought of this made Kevin's heart race.

"Chaos magic, this is Omega-level power"
"If I can have it, then I won't have to die in a no-name experimental base, right?

What a pity...

"I still need to finish unlocking Orochi before I can even think of imitating the Scarlet Witch."

"Why does it suddenly feel like homework?"

Kevin couldn't wait but it's not like he had a choice, The feeling he got from the ability told him that he must first imitate the Orochi before he could imitate the Scarlet Witch.

"But it shouldn't take too long with the current rate of progress."

Kevin was looking forward to it, but in the meantime, "Orochi is not bad either. Just his space transfer ability can allow me to teleport out of this place. Not to mention if I unlock all of them."

Hoping to unlock the space transfer ability, he opened the panel and consumed all the energy points.

The prompts sounded immediately.

[Ability: Rebound Shield (Unlocked)]

The panel flashed, and new data appeared.

[Name: Kevin]

[Age: 16 (remaining life span 83 days)]

[Mutant ability: Imitation, Energy absorption]

[Current imitation object: Orochi (Title: The Sun God, Will of the Earth)]

(Unlocking progress 23%)

[Ability: Black Particles (0/100) Level 1

Rebound Shield (0/100) Level 1 (Unlocked)]

[Energy Points: 0]

Kevin frowned slightly when he found that the energy consumption of unlocking progress had increased. He decided to focus on the new ability for now.

"Rebound shield?"

He was a little disappointed but after a while, he comforted himself, "Forget it, the ability of the rebound shield is not bad either. It should block most energy attacks and physical attacks."

As for its limits, he will only know after trying.

Speaking of knowing after trying, Kevin looked around and found no cameras and decided to give it a try.

He squatted beside the bed and stretched out his right palm.

[Black Particle Experience +1]

[Ability: Black Particle (1/100) Level 1]

Following a prompt, a blue orb the size of a sesame seed appeared from his fingertips. It started repelling the surrounding space and a black wave as thick as a finger formed in the blink of an eye.

With a brushing sound, it swallowed a small chunk of the solid cement floor.

Kevin was shocked by its destructive power, but he couldn't help but complain.

"Is this because it is still level one? The range is so pitifully small. One might even mistake it for a bullet impact."

Before he could be more disappointed, a severe pain shot through his spine; interrupting his thoughts of continuing to use his abilities.


Kevin clenched the beeping collar on his neck, veins protruded on his forehead and his face turned blue.

Once the blood returned to his face, he frowned at the mutant controller around his neck.

With this thing around his neck, he should forget about practising his abilities, unless he wants to attract the attention of his lovely caretakers!

Kevin felt a sense of urgency coming over him, "I must escape as soon as I get a chance."

After thinking for a while, he came to the next step, the escape plan.

"I should reach the milestone of unlocking the next ability soon, it should be either 25% or 30%. I may be able to implement the jailbreak plan by tomorrow night!"

"There is a small delay in the mutant controller's reaction; when the time comes, I will cast the black particles and destroy the thing in an instant and then escape along the route I mark during the day!"

Kevin knows that this is a crude plan full of dangers. If he is caught, he will again face punishments, experiments, and finally death!

It's not that he hasn't thought about growing stronger while biding time, and then destroying the experimental base once he is strong enough, but it's just that If he doesn't escape, he might die even faster!

'I'm sure they'll take me for experiments again and this time I'm not sure if this body can...'

Looking at the panel that only has eighty-three days of lifespan left, Kevin's face turned ugly in desperation.

If you don't escape, you will definitely die. But if you escape, you might still have a small chance of survival. Even to a fool, it's obvious what to choose.

At this moment Kevin noticed something that pleasantly surprised him.

He seemed to have recovered a little bit of the energy consumed by casting black particles before.
He wouldn't have noticed it if he hadn't consumed some energy, but now he immediately noticed the difference.

"Could it be that I absorbed some moonlight?" Kevin guessed hopefully.

If the moonlight can indeed be absorbed, wouldn't that mean that there's another source of energy points?

Hoping that it was true, he shifted his body so it could better absorb the moonlight.

After waiting for nearly half an hour, he did not hear any prompts, but the energy in his body was still recovering.

"Could it be that energy points cannot be collected unless the energy in the body is fully recovered?"

"Light energy is given to my body first?"

In addition to this, he noticed earlier that the maximum amount of light energy stored in his body seems to increase with every new ability unlocked.

If this trend continues in the future then that would solve the problem of the huge energy consumption of his abilities.

When he used black particles before, he felt that the energy in his body was reduced by about one-tenth, which meant that black particles could only be used ten times at most!

But if he continues to unlock new abilities, his body's energy reserves should get bigger as well and so will the number of times he can use his abilities.

After sorting out the different conjectures about his abilities, Kevin decided to endure some more pain and moved his bed closer to the window. He then lay down bathing in the moonlight and closed his eyes.

"I wonder what abilities I will be able to unlock tomorrow."

Despite his heart fluttering with anticipation, and loud clanking sounds coming from the neighbouring cells, he fell asleep within seconds.



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