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[Light energy +1]    
[Light Energy +1]


The constant notifications sounded in his mind, and Yao's heartbeat fluttered with anticipation.

In this moment of joy, a shout rose from across the field, interrupting his immersion.

"Hey, Kevin!! I did not expect to see you again so soon. I didn't think you'd really try to escape."

Su Yao looked over and saw a pale young man covered with excessive freckles walking over, with a face full of surprise.

After looking him up and down, the freckled young man asked, "I...I heard they took you for questioning and disciplining."

"Are you alright? You..."

Yao or rather, Kevin now shook his head. Yao has more of less accepted his new identity.

But before he could speak, the young man got closer and said in a quiet voice, "I told you... told you a long time ago... we can't leave this place alive... why won't you listen to me?"

"Even if we escape, where can we go with this thing around our necks? Who'd be willing to shelter us, huh?"

At this time, the taunting words of a few people also reached Kevin's ears.

"That's what you get. How stupid do you have to be to try and escape? You will obviously be caught and face hell."

"Yeah! Once you enter this place, there is no way out. Stop dreaming about it, you'll sleep better at night."

"I wouldn't dare even if I had the ability to do it... and he dared with his little solar-powered ass, ridiculous"

Kevin ignored the taunting, tuned out the unsolicited advice and focused on the unlocking progress. These people have already surrendered to their fates, what's the use of listening to them?

In just a few minutes, the unlocking progress reached 5%! And just as it did, a prompt sounded immediately.

[Ability: Black Particles (Unlocked)]

Kevin quickly called for the panel in his mind and then looked over eagerly.

[Ability: Black Particles (0/100) Level 1]

When he focused on the ability of black particles, detailed information about this ability immediately appeared in his mind.

With the power of the void, it launches a wave of black plasma-like objects which tears through space itself!
This means anything that can't survive the tearing of spacial dimensions will probably be torn into a million different pieces.

It is basically a killing move that cannot be blocked and can only be avoided!

"I don't remember it being so insanely powerful in the game." Kevin couldn't help but be surprised.

Moreover, it's just level one...

"I just don't know whether it requires energy points to upgrade or practice to improve its level."

Kevin couldn't help but want to try this new ability, but unfortunately...

He glanced at the people around him, as well as the prison guards and cameras monitoring the place from afar, he decided to wait till he was alone.

"It won't be long, maybe tonight or tomorrow night, I should be able to escape from this ghastly place!"

He didn't want to stay in this dreadful place for even a moment longer!
Yao's eyes were full of anticipation for the outside world.

[Light Energy +1]

[Light Energy +1]

[Light Energy +1]


While Kevin was working hard to collect light energy in an attempt to continue awakening new abilities, in a luxurious mansion/school far away, a bald old man in a wheelchair was talking solemnly with a young man in overengineered glasses.

"Professor, did you really sense a mutant signature similar to Jean's?!"

Scott Summers, also known as Cyclops, asked with a look full of shock and anticipation on his face.

Professor X nodded solemnly. "Hmm, Scott, before you get the wrong idea, I'm sure it wasn't Jean's, but the energy signature was just as big."

Recalling the huge and fleeting energy source he sensed in the brainwave room before, he couldn't help but feel a little frightened even now.

"Scott, we must find that child as soon as possible!"

"Except for Jean, I have never encountered anyone with such a huge psychic signature. We might have a new Omega-level mutant on our hands!"

As he spoke, he turned his chair towards the window, looking at the lively students on the school grounds, "We must find him as soon as possible and help him to control his powers, cause once he loses control, it'll be too late to help."

Scott was shocked when he heard this. No one knows Jean's power better than him. But according to the professor, there was another mutant with that level of power?!

He instinctively didn't want to believe it, thinking the professor might have made a mistake, but he couldn't refute it directly.

After hesitating for a moment, Scott decided to go have a look, "Professor, do we have a lock on his location?"

Professor X shook his head regretfully after hearing this.

"That kid seems a bit special. I can't sense him at all now."

"He's out north, should be somewhere around here," he said, drawing a large circle on the map.

"That's..." Scott frowned.

"Not a lot to go on, I know. But you have to try, Scott, he needs our help," said Professor Bald.


The sun slowly set and the sky became dark.

Experimental Base *X*X*X, Location: Classified

[Light Energy +1]

Listening to the last prompt, Kevin opened his eyes with reluctance.

"Is the sun going down already? I haven't absorbed enough energy yet, and I don't know if the moonlight can be absorbed." He muttered to himself.

That was something to be verified later. Right now Kevin looked at the energy points displayed on the panel and couldn't help but shed a happy tear.

It should be enough to unlock the energy points for the next ability!
However, before acquiring his next ability, he thought about his imitation ability.

"I wonder if the Orochi imitated by the imitation ability is from the games or the lore." He pondered.

If it is from the games, then in addition to the black particles that have been obtained so far, there are also space transfer, rebound shield, soul extraction, divine fingers, spiritual light beams, and sunshine... maybe there is also the ability to float and fly?

Different versions have different skills. Kevin only remembers these relatively obvious moves.

"The Orochi from the lore is terrifying. As the will of the earth, he must have many abilities, but it's a pity that I remember very little of it."

For example, he can project thoughts to talk to others, he can also freely read other people's thoughts, control the power of void, etc.

"I just don't know what my imitation is based on," Kevin murmured.

In addition, he was still a little confused as to why he was imitating Orochi instead of other beings.
"Is it based on my thoughts and desires?" Kevin pondered, "Maybe it has something to do with the fact that I was absorbing sunlight at the time?"

After all, Orochi is called the Sun God, and his ultimate move is Sunshine, which seems to be related to the sun.

He suspected that the imitation targets might be based on his thoughts and memories.

Even the abilities possessed by the person being imitated may be based on his impression.

After all, he has never seen the so-called Sun God, Orochi, and he doesn't know much about him. Who knows what abilities he has and what the principles of those moves are based on?

Impressions combined with imagination and reality?
"Damn, now that I think about it, this imitation ability is a bit unrealistic and outrageous, isn't it?"

It's really something outrageous to be able to open the door to such outrageous people's abilities, how is it even possible?
Kevin was a bit stumped when he thought about it.

"Maybe I can figure it out when the unlocking progress reaches 100%."

After thinking about it, he couldn't help but wonder who the next target of imitation would be.

Just as the thought arose in his mind, his mutant ability seemed to act up again.

In a daze, he seemed to be able to see a woman shrouded in red energy, her long red hair flowed magnificently behind her and her long red robes blew in the air but he couldn't quite see her face.



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