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Yao felt as if an invisible foot was pressing on his head, trampling on his dignity.


His condition seemed to worsen, and he couldn't help but cough a few times, staining his palm with blood.

Yao endured the severe pain coming from his chest and slowly stood up.

At this moment, his heart was full of desire for destruction, and he wanted to raze this place to the ground.

It took him a while to calm his anger and focus on the mechanical voice that had rang in his ears.



Yao tried calling the system in his mind, but there was no response. On the contrary, when he called the panel, a yellow illusory panel appeared in front of him.

[Name: Su Yao/Kevin]

[Age: 16 (Remaining life span: 83 days, 12 hours, 13 minutes and 7 seconds)]

[Mutant ability: Imitation, Energy absorption]

[Current imitation target: Orochi (Title: Sun God, The Will of Gaia)]

(Unlock progress 1%)

[Ability : (Locked)]

[Energy Points: 0]

Looking at the glowing panel in front of him, Yao couldn't help but be stunned.

His eyes were stuck on the remaining lifespan displayed on the top.

"Eighty-three days? That's all the life I have left?"
"What kind of experiments did these sickos do on me? And what's with the hours, minutes and seconds? Is the system that fucking accurate?"

Yao's face was ugly, and he felt even more disgusted with this experimental base.

He hurriedly turned his attention to the mutant ability column, as if grasping for a life-saving straw in desperation.


"Energy absorption?"

Energy absorption makes sense, looking as his body was greedily absorbing sunlight at the moment, but what was this 'Imitation'?

"I have two mutant abilities?"

"Did I just awaken it ?!"

Su Yao was shocked eyes quickly read through all the information on the panel.

"Imitate, imitate...so that's how it is..." he murmured.

"Orochi?" he was shocked when he read this name, it invoked fond childhood memories in his brain.

It was a big boss in some installations of the fighting game series, The King of Fighters.

He is also known as the Will of the Earth, and once coexisted harmoniously with humans as part of nature, but when humans separated from nature, he became disgusted with them.

In short, as human beings began to destroy their environment, the big snake as the will of Gaia, became angry and decided to cleanse the planet of all humans. Hence becoming the big bad guy.

As for why he is called the Sun God, Yao didn't have the slightest idea. But in the game he could use a move called Orochi Sunshine, which flooded the entire screen with bright sunlight, causing large-scale damage across the entire screen.

But right now was not the time to be waddling for details.

"Unlock progress 1%? How do I improve it?"

"And these energy points.."

Just as Yao frowned in confusion, a prompt sounded in his ear.

[Light Energy +1]

Yao was startled and his eyes subconsciously moved to the panel, and he was pleasantly surprised to see the number of energy points increasing to one.

"Oh, that makes sense, energy absorption absorbs sunlight and collects it as energy points."

"Now,.. just how exactly do I use this energy point?"

He gave it a few tries.

Soon he discovered that as long as he focused on unlocking progress, he could consume energy points to increase the unlocking progress.

But It's a pity that even after putting a few more points into it, the unlocking progress didn't seem to move much at all.

Yao squeezed his whole body under the window, trying to collect more sunlight.

The prompts kept sounding in his mind.

[Light Energy +1]

[Light Energy +1]

[Light Energy +1]

Yao sat comfortably as he absorbed the sunlight.

In about half an hour, the familiar heavy footsteps rang in the corridor again.

The caretaker Gavin was here, he opened the neighbouring cell door to Yao with a bang, and shouted, "You bastards, it's time to let you lot loose, get out of here!"

As he said that, he quickly arrived at Su Yao's cell.

Opening the door with a clang, he first glanced at the untouched tableware and then glanced at the young man squatting under the sun, his eyes had a bit of disappointment in them.

He snorted coldly and turned around to leave.

"I'll see how long you can last, boy."

Looking at his leaving figure, Yao stared at the man's back with a look full of anticipation.

"And I'll see how long you last..." he muttered.

[Unlocking progress 4%]

Half an hour of light energy was consumed and the unlocking progress jumped up to 4%. He had a hunch that the time to obtain new abilities wasn't too far!

In Yao's eyes, the man was already dead.

"The ability of the Sun God and the Will of Gaia, I really look forward to it, haha..."

He stood up expressionlessly, walked out of the cell and followed other inmates along the long corridor towards the playground in the distance.

On his way, he saw many ordinary prisoners and also a few fellow mutants wearing blue prison uniforms and mutant controllers around their necks.

Su Yao couldn't help but observe every one of them and recall everything the previous tenant knew about them.

Some of these mutants were weaker than him and were considered the lowest of the level-one mutants.

Not to mention weak abilities, some of them have abilities that could be more appropriately called disabilities. Some don't even look like normal humans. They have severely deformed bodies with their superpower being a nightmare to kids around the world.

As for the level-two mutants, they are much better than them. Although their mutant abilities are still weak, their appearances are more like that of normal human beings. Their mutant abilities are mostly auxiliary, just like his previous self.

Kitty Pryde or Shadowcat with her ability to walk through walls would probably be categorised as a level two mutant.

As for level three, Wolverine would probably be labelled as one, well if you ignore his indestructible adamantium claws and overwhelming healing factor.

Mystique would probably fit this category better. Mutants with considerable personal strength but not with abilities that can directly affect others.

Level four is also known as the alpha level. Cyclops, Storm and Professor X without Cerebro should be considered one of them. Mutants with significant powers but not the most powerful.

"I just don't know if this is a movie universe or a comic universe. If it's a comic..."

Yao shuddered at the thought. He couldn't help but think of level-five mutants, who are also known as the omega mutants.

"Level 5 mutants are just outrageous"

Omega-level mutants are mutants with the highest level of power. They possess abilities that are often on a global or reality-altering scale, making them extremely potent.

To put it simply, if you come across one, it's probably too late to run.

After thinking about it, Yao couldn't help but shudder, "I don't know what Omega mutants are like, what kind of outrageous methods they have, but I would like to see them if I have the chance." The image of a woman with fiery anger floated in his mind.

While recalling everything he knew about mutants, his eyes continued to stare at his fellow mutants.

At this moment, they looked like dogs being led out of their cages for a walk, which was extremely sad and pitiful.

Yao's face had a solemn look for a while, but then a cold smile emerged on his lips.

'Almost there! I refuse to spend the rest of my life collared, like a dog.'

Following the crowd, he walked out of the corridor into an open area in the middle of the facility. The sun was shining bright in the sky, and his whole body was soon bathed in its light.

[Light energy +1]    
[Light Energy +1]



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