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I left the office just a step behind Natalie, stopping for a second to lock the door, intent on following her to her office, curious about Brenda’s reaction. I realized my miscalculation when she walked towards the bathroom rather than her office. It made sense. While Brenda was aware of the treatment Natalie was receiving, Natalie didn’t know that Brenda knew, so she had to visit the bathroom in a wasteful attempt to hide the signs of her treatment. 

Onward for the second best option, I decided, still following the original route. Soon, I found myself in front of the desk of my favorite blond, Brenda. She looked surprised by my sudden presence. “Hello, sweetie,” I said as I leaned on her desk. “How are you doing?” 

She glanced around to see whether someone was around. She spoke only after confirming there were no one around. “Have you finished with Natalie,” she asked conspiratorially, not bothering to hide her excitement. 

“I did,” I answered. “For today, at least,” I added afterthought after a moment’s pause. “You don’t seem too broken about it?” 

Brenda shrugged. “Why should I? It’s her fault that I’m in this mess, and I can’t be bothered if she was getting what she deserved,” she said dismissively even as she looked at her nails. 

I didn’t bother to explain that it was her faults that started the whole mess for them. For Brenda, it didn’t matter, especially since Natalie was rapidly coming under my control as well. There was only a boss at the start for Brenda, and after some upheaval, she ended up having only one boss once again. The identity of the boss didn’t matter much for her, especially not when she was clearly enjoying the treatment she was receiving. The fact that I didn’t sell her to Natalie likely also factored in her thoughts. “The king is dead, long live the king,” I quipped. 

Brenda looked at me confusedly. “What the hell are you talking about, what king?” 

I sighed. “Education in this country is really going down,” I murmured in sadness. Though, it was my mistake to expect a cultural complexity from her. She was basically a perfect mixture of blow-up doll and reality-show level gossip. No substance. “Don’t worry about it,” I added. 

Brenda nodded, uncaring of the insult that targeted more than a decade of her life. But she would have gone crazy if I called her on her haircut or something equally asinine. But her shallowness just made her a better toy, so I waved my concerns off. “How do you enjoy sitting,” I asked instead, reminding her of the special toy she had received in my room. 

That managed to break through her mentality. “It’s okay,” she murmured. 

“You don’t feel any discomfort, do you?” I added, and she shook her head. “Excellent,” I added as I reached my pocket. “So, you won’t have any problem with me doing that?” I added, and flipped the switch of it. 

A moan pushed itself through her lips before she could gather herself as the device that was currently lodged in her sensitive spot buzzed without a warning in a short but intensive burst. “What was-” she started, but her words were cut short when I pressed the button again to cut her argument short. It worked, but this time, she managed to press her hands on her mouth to prevent her exclamation in a timely manner. 

“Do you like the secret feature of your gift,” I said with a smirk. Her mouth opened, ready for an angry remark, but Natalie chose that moment to walk in. “Hi, boss,” I said cheerfully. 

“Nathan,” she murmured, doing her best to sound flat, but that was challenging even for her after the treatment she received for the last hour. Not only I had invaded her most sensitive spots repeatedly, I was still at the entrance of her office, making her receive continuous annoying treatment. “I thought you were going to take off early? Is there anything urgent.” 

“Nope,” I answered. “I was just chatting with Brenda. She has such a fascinating … mind,” I said, looking at her cleavage in an obvious manner just to leave no doubt what I was talking about. 

“I see,” Natalie answered, doing her best to hide her annoyance at my presumption of hitting her secretary. She was cornered badly enough to surrender her body to me, to just gain enough time to fix the issues. Sacrificing her secretary wasn’t something she would shy from. Too bad that she had no idea of my reach making her sacrifices moot. “If it’s just it, I have a couple of things to handle before leaving,” she added. 

“Actually,” I said, stopping her walk. She turned with trepidation, afraid what I was going to ask. “Since we’re both going to leave early, there is no point for Brenda to wait until six, right? And since she is going to act as my secretary as well, it would help if we know each other better.” As I explained, I switched Brenda’s dildo once more, but in a lower setting. Brenda looked at me warningly, but I just smirked. 

Natalie was too distracted to notice the interplay. She was smart enough to recognize the opportunity I was dangling in front of her. A date with Brenda would bring her to my confidence, which then could be used for Natalie’s purposes. Too bad that Brenda was already a double-agent. For a moment, Natalie was lost in thought, her expression shifting too quick to catch as her instincts fought with her logic. “I guess there would be no harm. It would be a team-building event.”

I smirked. “And since it’s a team building event, we can charge it to the company, right?” I asked, much to her annoyance. Admittedly, the whole point was to annoy her, not like I needed the fifty dollar dinner budget. 

Natalie took a deep breath as she paused to suppress her emotions, desperately trying to hide her anger. As a woman that prided herself on the control she had over her workplace, this kind of small quips must have been driving her crazy. Still, I was presenting her with an opportunity that was too good to miss, so in the end, she nodded in acceptance, trying to hide her own reaction. “Of course. It’s for the best of the company,” she said, somehow managing not to sound stark-mad, but I knew her enough to see her anger was barely suppressed. 

“Excellent. Come on then, Brenda. Let’s go.” Brenda looked at Natalie, waiting for her confirmation, and I used the opportunity to twist the dial-up another degree, making Brenda jerk in surprise. Natalie looked suspicious for a moment, but then she shrugged it off, nodding in approval.

“Just a second,” Brenda said, trying to sound reluctant, but she failed the act. Luckily, Natalie had too many other concerns, failing to focus on that particular one. After one last glance, Natalie disappeared into her office, leaving me alone with Brenda. “Stop that!” she said, her hand reaching to her posterior. 

I pushed a sharp expression on my face, reinforced with cold anger. “Did you just order me to do something?” I said with a tone barely above a whisper, but its flatness made it more effective than a shout. 

“N-no,” Brenda stammered, suddenly whiter. 

“Good,” I said in a much more casual tone. “I was sure that you’re smart enough to avoid such a mistake. It’s nice to have confirmation.” I always found that people under my power responded much better to a soft but unyielding tone much better than a boundless shout. The latter sometimes worked, but its effectiveness tended to erode quickly. Cold anger had a way of sticking with a person. “Let’s go, then,” I said, gesturing her to stand and walk. 

She stood next to me without any argument, something she would never do a week ago, afraid to be seen with the outcast of the office. But my position had been mainly driven by the fear of Natalie the staff had, and my change of office at the top floor told everyone that I suddenly had a position above them in the corporate ladder, and since they were nothing more than peons, they accepted it helplessly. They still expected a retaliation, fearful lemmings they were, but I had no intention of bringing the hammer right now. 

But these developments meant that Brenda could walk next to me obediently without any loss of prestige in office rankings. I shook my head dismissively. Sometimes, office life was worse than schoolyard. I glanced around as we walked, amused by the way people avoided my gaze, likely expecting me to abuse my newfound authority bluntly to punish them for their earlier transgressions. Well, they were correct in their conclusions. I wasn’t a forgiving person, and I was going to make every single one of them pay, just that I didn’t feel a particular hurry for that. 

One eye fell to a short man with graying hair. Mike, one of the worst offenders before my sudden promotion. And now, he was a member of the team under my direct control. Teaching him the error of his ways would be amusing. I just needed to decide whether I should directly fire him, or slowly torture him first. 

But that was a decision for another day. Today belonged to Brenda. And speaking of her, she could deal with another dash of challenge, I decided, turning the intensity of her device even higher. She managed to cover her yelp with a sudden cough, and turned at me with a begging expression, but I shrugged, indicating that she needed to deal with. She maintained eye-contact until I let another tendril of anger to slip onto the surface, and her gaze slid away. 

After a few more steps, it was the time to push things even more. “Try to act normal,” I said as I raised the intensity of the device by two, just below the maximum setting. Brenda looked alarmed, but somehow, she managed to avoid making a noise. We passed near several cubicles, a persistent buzzing not unlike a vibrating cellphone accompanying us with each step. 

I was watching Brenda walk with admiration. She was holding herself up magnificently despite the unfamiliar presence of a vibrating dildo in the depths of her bowel. Yes, her face was covered with a blush, and her steps were suspiciously small, not to mention she was biting her lips playfully, but at least she managed to avoid moaning obviously. And with the rest of the people on the floor avoiding my gaze, there was a high chance that she managed to hide it. 

And if someone managed to see it… Well, it wasn’t exactly my problem, was it?

We stood in front of the elevator, and Brenda turned her back to the rest of the office, trying to hide her red face, and her lips open to allow her panting helplessly. I was tempted to ask her a question, but was stopped by the pleading expression in her green eyes. She deserved a measure of mercy, I decided, letting her stay silent until the elevator arrived. 

Lucky for her, the elevator was empty when arrived, so she hadn’t had to hide her shudder as she threw herself inside. I walked in a much more measured pace. She slammed the basement floor button, where my new parking spot was, and the door slammed closed. Hidden from the view of office staff, Brenda had no reason to hide her voice. Her lips parted, and a long, lingering moan escaped its prison, erotic enough to tempt me. I would have stopped the elevator and had my way with her, but that was too dangerous even for my risk appetite. 

Instead, I leaned back and watched her beautiful struggle was she moaned again and again, her body trembling in a way that put her assets to an excellent view. I might have risked doing something more, but it was still work hours, and someone could easily drop-by. 

But no one did, making me regret missing the opportunity. The door opened, revealing the underground parking lot. “Let’s go,” I said, but Brenda whined wordlessly. I looked at her, only to see she was clutching the handlebar desperately. It seemed that it was the only thing that was keeping her upright, the unfamiliar presence of a vibrating dildo, combined with the fear of getting noticed, pushing her close to another climax. 

The reasonable thing would be stopping the vibrator, but it was also the less-fun option. Instead, I presented my arm for her. She looked at me beggingly. “No,” I said simply, not even waiting for her to ask the question. Out of option, she reached for my arm with her trembling hands, grabbing it in lieu of the handlebar. It wasn’t a symbolic grab, a significant portion of her weight was on my arm as we walked forward. Once again, the temptation to bend her over and take her in the middle of the parking lot was bright as we walked through relative darkness, but there were enough cameras around to make it unfeasible. 

Her hold on my arm got heavier and heavier as we closed the distance to my car. When we stood over the passenger side door, she was barely able to stand even with my help. I turned her vibrator off. Not that I pitied her, but because I had some plans for her, and I didn’t want to collapse her early. 

“Thanks,” Brenda murmured as she stumbled on the passenger seat of my convertible, a black two-seated sports car that shouted mid-life crisis, which, to be fair, was probably accurate. I took the driver’s seat, and looked at Brenda, whose eyes were wandering on the interior of the car. “Nice ride,” she said, sounding impressed. 

“It’s a decent one,” I approved as I drove out of the parking lot. “Do you like cars?” 

“Who doesn’t like a nice one like this,” Brenda answered in awe. It was a justified shock, as my car was quite expensive, even considering my income level. 

“Would you like to have a real ride,” I offered. Today, she had been amazingly accommodating, and she deserved a reward. My initial idea was shopping, as I was yet to meet a twenty-something girl that didn’t appreciate a nice visit with a generous budget. But if she was feeling that excited about the car, maybe a ride would be a better substitute, especially since she was too exhausted to bustle around a shop. 

“Would I?” she said with an obvious excitement. “I would love to!” 

“Excellent,” I answered even as I reversed my direction, towards the nearest highway. Luckily, it didn’t have much traffic, and more importantly any police checkpoint. I pressed the gas pedal, and the car slowly picked up the speed. Brenda let out an excited yelp, watching the obstacles fly from her side of the window. 

I said nothing, but drove as fast as I reasonably could in a city. “You better put your seatbelt on,” I suggested. She looked at me, but her intention to argue melted against my stern look. I liked adrenaline as well, but I had no intention to kill her with a stiff brake. “Ready?” I asked. She nodded. 

I stepped on the gas pedal. 

The loud roar of the engine reached my ear simultaneously with her excited cry. I smirked as I jumped up gears rapidly, and soon we were cruising the near-empty highway on lightning speed, swerving around the occasional car on the road with great agility. I could feel my heart beating with excitement. 

I paid a glance to Brenda soon after, only to find her with a clear expression of ecstasy on her face. She was enjoying the drive almost as much as she enjoyed sex, if her expression was correct. Well, I could help her with that, I decided. I pulled my hand from the steering wheel for a moment to reach my pocket, and a click later, her vibrator was buzzing inside her once more. 

Her cries rose once more, but this time, mixed with carnal satisfaction. For a moment, I was passing a relatively crowded part of the road, which prevented me from looking at her side. I glanced at her after passing the obstacle. I was pleasantly surprised to see she was busy while I dealt with the road-challenge. She had untied several buttons of her shirt, revealing her bra for my viewing pleasure. One of her hands stayed there, sinking into her breasts repeatedly, while the other chose the travel downward, and disappeared under her skirt. Thanks to her expression, it wasn’t a great difficulty to guess what her fingers were doing underneath. 

Then, she decided to escalate. Her hand moved away from her breasts to my crotch instead. She looked at me with a suggestive smile as she slowly dragged my zipper down. A brief struggle with my boxers later, she was holding my erection in her hand, slowly moving up and down. Perfect display of initiative, I thought, taking a note to reward her appropriately later on. Such displays needed to be rewarded. And even better, she soon leaned towards me, catching my shaft between her lips, going up and down in a great display of skill. 

I focused on the road as I drove even faster, enjoying the ultimate dream. A sexy girl on my side, her lips around my girth, devouring my shaft like my car devoured the distance, the sound of the engine roaring impressively. Life was truly grand. 

But even such a nice experience could be improved, I decided as the pleasure started to build up. I took a sudden turn to a side road, and pressed the brakes after I drove far enough from the highway to not to be seen. Brenda raised her head, trying to understand what was going on, and I used the time to flip open my seatbelt before jumping up, and shifted in front of her. 

Before she could say anything, my hand was on the small button that allowed to adjust the seat depth, and I pushed it all the way back, something that gave me enough space for my next action. “It’s time for action,” I said as I grabbed her legs, raising them to my shoulders. Her skirt slid up, giving me unrestricted access to her core. I plunged deep inside her. 

At that moment, my moan of appreciation mixed with Brenda’s cry, overcharged with pleasure. “That’s slick,” I said, unable to keep myself from commenting at the incredible feeling of wetness inside her. After the extremely extended foreplay, she was like a slippery slide, accepting my full length without the slightest hint of resistance. “It seems that I did a favor to you today, helping you discover a new secret about yourself,” I added casually even as I hammered her mercilessly, leveraging our extreme angle for all its worth.  

She avoided my gaze, managing to surprise me. Somehow, pulling the attention to her anal enjoyment managed her to feel shy, a considerable achievement in the position we were currently sharing. Then, I shrugged, focusing on my more important task, though I took note of her reaction. 

Still, she avoided a direct question; and that required punishment. Luckily for her, I had a way that would make both of us enjoy. I grabbed the end of her still vibrating dildo, and pulled. Then, without a blink, I pushed my shaft inside the gaping hole that was left in its place. Brenda let out a loud cry that made me happy that I didn’t try that at work. 

“Please-” she managed to squeeze between her cries, but she got the message when instead of listening to her, I tugged her shirt open, buttons flying around. Her bra was pushed to the side negligently a moment later, leaving her tits free. I grabbed them without losing any time, squeezing them mercilessly, but I doubted that it made any contribution to the intensity of her cries, considering that I was slamming her tight hole mercilessly simultaneously. I looked at her face, enjoying her eyes, widened with pain and pleasure. 

I would have liked to spend hours in that position, breaking the last hole of my secretary for a longer time, but there were limits. Her resistance had limits, which could be ignored, and I also had a limit, which was harder to ignore. The way her muscles contracted around my shaft was the last stone, triggering a climax that coated her bowels. Meanwhile, she was trembling with an orgasm of her own, one that left her on the edge of unconsciousness. 

I pulled out, and after a brief break to clean up and fix my clothes, we were on the way once again. Brenda still lay on her seat, half-unconscious, her tits still laying open, her skirt uneven. I had done nothing other than putting her seatbelt on, leaving her body deliciously open. I started driving back to the city. She recovered halfway on, and buttoned her shirt back on, though she made sure to leave a cleavage deep enough to get her fired if she ever dared to wear that in the office. In a public part of it, that was. 

With both of us exhausted, no words were spoken as we drove towards her house, other than a few broken sentences to describe the way. Then, we arrived in front of her apartment. “Thanks for the drive, boss,” she murmured when we arrived. I just nodded, and she left the car, stumbling towards the entrance with a very distinct limp on her steps, which, combined with her mussed up hair and messy clothes, left no doubt about the treatment she had just received. 

“As they say, the importance of having a good working relationship with the secretary cannot be overstated,” I said with a chuckle as I drove away. I still needed to decide how I was going to handle rest of the office… 


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