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That night, Nancy had missed her appointment. 

Normally, I would be annoyed with something like that. Regardless of everything else, I expect a certain level of professionalism from my models, and punctuality was one of them. I would have gone upstairs to drag her down despite her protest, uncaring how awkward she was feeling after our last encounter. 

But this time, the opportunity to get a bit of rest was quite welcome. After all, I had spent most of the afternoon trying to fuck Nicole into an unconscious rag, a very challenging target. I was ultimately successful, but not without three hours of concentrated effort that left me bone-weary. 

On the positive side, it created a spectacular example of homemade porn, one that would have made a mint if I released it on the web. Unfortunately, while I was a total bastard, I was a possessive one. These moments I had recorded with Nicole belonged only to me, to be hidden in an encrypted section of my hard-disk. I had no intention of sharing that with anyone else. 

So, I spent rest of the day after carrying Nicole to her room by lazing around in the room, even taking a power nap just to be able to keep my eyes open as I tried to finish my work. 

It was past eleven, and I was fiddling with the photos I had taken in my last session, preparing to sleep, when my impromptu break was interrupted. My door opened without a warning. I looked, only to see Katie climbing down the stair, an unfamiliar expression on her face. Anger dominated her face, turning her usual innocence into something sharper, more mature. It might even be intimidating if she had been wearing something other than her fluffy pajamas. 

It was amusing to watch her walk down the stairs. Her steps started strong, exuding self-confidence every time they touched the stairs. But then, our eyes met, a questioning expression on my face, and her determination started to flail, her steps getting softer as she drew closer, unable to sustain her anger under adversary. 

I watched her draw closer, doing nothing other than changing the photo I was working on. It might have been hard to explain why I had a picture of her stepmother on my screen, but not as hard as explaining the revealing state of her dress. “We need to talk,” she said, unknowingly repeating the same phrase Nicole did earlier today. It was even less intimidating than Nicole’s, who managed to keep her expression straight until the end of the sentence, rather than slipping away before even opening her mouth. 

“Sure,” I said, not bothering the hide my smirk. “Go ahead. What’s it about?” 

“It’s about the last night…” Katie said, but her nerves failed before she could complete her statement. 

She was adorable, her words dwindling to nothingness, vanquished by her shyness. I decided to help her a bit. “Is this about the cocktail I brought?” I asked, and she nodded. “That was spectacular acting from your part. Congratulations.” 

“What?” came her eloquent reply. 

“It was very clever of you,” I explained. “Understanding my plan without even requiring a hint. You’re really impressive.” 

“Your plan?” she asked, her anger long drowned in her confusion.

“Yes, my plan of convincing Madison that she was getting drunk through the power of suggestion despite the bottle having almost no alcohol in it. And you understood the plan instantly, acting like you were drunk, easily convincing Madison as well.” 

It was a ridiculous excuse, of course, but young women had a tendency to jump that kind of excuses if it meant avoiding looking foolish. Katie let out a nervous laugh, proving she was no exception to the rule. “Yes, all planned,” she said, in a manner that wouldn’t trick a child, but I acted like I bought it.  

“It’s a pity her cousin screwed up our plan with her surprise visit. If it continued, we would have really humiliated Madison. Anyway, have you done anything after I left.” 

“Nothing, we just dressed and went to sleep,” she said, and this time I believed her. The mortification of getting caught would have sobered her up even if she had been actually drunk, and the psychological variety never had a chance.    

“Anyway, is that all? I’m a bit tired,” I continued, making a show of yawning. She nodded, outwardly relaxed, but I was familiar with her expressions to catch a hint of disappointment. “But once again, since you bothered to sneak all the way down here, it would be rude to send you away without another training session.” 

“Wait-” she tried to say, but it was too late. My fingers were already around her wrist, and a soft tug later, she was on my lap, not showing even a hint of resistance. The motion cut her words half, and before she could restart, my lips were on hers, stealing the rest. I put one of my hands to the small of her back, a gentle caress enough to destroy her inclination to struggle, excitement beating reticence. 

The kiss lasted for a minute which saw her resistance dead and buried. “We can skip it for tonight if you want,” I offered after pulling back for a breather, feeling confident about her answer. If her diluted irises and quickened lips weren’t clue enough, she had moved deeper on my lap during the kiss, deliberately ending up on my shaft. 

“Maybe not,” Katie whispered, still unable to keep her eyes up as she declared her desires. “There is no harm in a few minutes of practice, right?” 

“Good choice,” I said before leaning for another kiss. This time, she met my lips midway instead of waiting passively. I probed her lips with my tongue, and her lips parted open, but only to allow her tongue out, which started battling mine midway. She was still hesitant, and it would have been an easy task to dominate her, but I allowed her to continue, not wanting to discourage her from showing initiative. 

But with she was distracted with the French kiss, I had the opportunity to push her in a different direction. I slid my hands underneath her shirt, but she barely paid attention, distracted by my lips. One hand, I used to rub her belly softly, the other slowly climbing upwards towards the hooks of her bra, which unlocked easily a twist of my fingers. Surprisingly, that too went unnoticed, or unremarked. 

The thick spell of desire started coursing through my veins, destroying the last vestiges of my exhaustion much better than any drug could. I grabbed her shirt, pulling it up enough to reveal the loose hold of her bra, but I had no intention of leaving it on. I continued to pull it upward, forcing her to separate from the kiss, her arms rising up reflexively. Her expression didn’t shift when I pulled her shirt off, but it flickered when her bra received the same treatment before she could lower her arms. But another kiss was enough to send that seed of doubt back to slumber. 

For a while, I just kissed her passively, waiting for her nakedness to become the new normal, then I let my hands loose once more, exploring her naked top. I gently caressed her breasts, small but firm, tempting me to lean down and suck them until they were littered with my mark. But I continued kissing her, so my hands were deputized for that mission. And they were quite successful, if the sudden moan that left her mouth as I squeezed her nipples, barely muffled by my own lips. 

It was the time for the next stage, I decided as I wrapped my arms around her waist before standing up. Her legs wrapped around me reflexively, allowing me to walk to my bed easily. I deposed her on the bed, and she loosened her legs around me. I pulled back, but not without another aggressive move. My fingers hooked around her panties, and before she could notice, she was naked, discounting a pair of animal-printed socks. 

And just like that, her doubts were pushed to the surface once more. But it was too late, as I was crouched between her legs, her nether lips just an inch away from my lips. Her lips opened up in preparation of a hesitant comment, likely about to ask me to stop, but I was quicker. My lips closed over her inner thigh, near her nether lips, close enough to that the smell of arousal filled my nose, and I pressed my teeth against her sensitive skin. Not hard enough to actually hurt, but enough to make her cry in shock. Then, I moved to her nether lips, teasing her knob with a few measured brush of my tongue, converting her cry to an unrestricted moan. 

I was glad that the voice insulation of the basement was good, because her cry was strong enough to bring the rest of the house to us if it wasn’t for that. And I really didn’t fancy explaining it to Nicole. I had a feeling that even the domination that I established over her wouldn’t be enough. “Try to keep it low,” I said as I raised my eyes towards her rapidly reddening face before turning my attention to her slit once more. 

“Stephen-,” she started, only to devolve into another wordless cry, thankfully not as loud as the previous one. It was good for my ego, but not as good for keeping the risk of getting caught minimal. My tongue flickered rapidly, each earning its own cry, but the volume, she slowly got under control. It was still loud, but not enough to be heard from outside. 

I took it as an opportunity to turn on the intensity. My lips joined the fray, and I started alternating between kisses and brushes, my fingers digging to her thighs. For someone as inexperienced as her, it was a hopeless battle, and she fell back, shuddering, just a minute later as the sharp taste of her arousal filled my mouth. At least, she had the foresight of pressing her fingers on her mouth, muffling her cries. 

I stood up and removed my pants and underwear as she lay on my bed, trying to catch her breath. I aligned my shaft to her entrance, only to be stopped by a weak whisper. “Stop,” she asked. “I’m a pledge member,” she said, showing a small platinum ring on her left hand. I had to bite down the first response that came to my lips, nor I plunged deep inside her like I wished to. Annoying as it was, I would never go against a woman’s explicit wishes. 

I didn’t let it sour my mood. Her words lacked conviction, meaning that a bit more push, and she could be convinced. A bit of pointed push, and she would be jumping up and down across my length. 

But, it was too easy, I decided. Yes, I could have pushed her for her final surrender, but it would be much more fun to tease her until she surrendered in her own violation. “As you wish,” I said, sitting on the bed next to her before tapping on my lap. “Still, that leaves a couple of interesting tricks I can teach you.” I stopped for a second, turning my best half-smile to her. “Only if you’re willing to learn, of course.” 

It took a few seconds for her to decide, but the result was never in doubt. She gave a small nod that was almost indiscernible from the aftershocks of a climax. I offered my hand, and her fingers wrapped around mine. A strong pull, and she was in my lap once more, but her back was pointing at my chest. “Let’s change things a bit,” I whispered, dragging my fingers softly on her arm. Distracted by the sensation of my fingers, she failed to realize the implications when both of my hands found her waist and lifted her up, only to drop her on my length. 

A panicked gasp escaped her mouth, but it was unnecessary, because I positioned her so that she was sitting over the length instead of the tip, a fact she realized just a second later, her panic dispersing. “Move up and down,” I whispered into her ear, my hands wandering over her body, leaving fleeting impressions in their wake. She hesitated, so I slid my hands to her buttocks and pushed her forward until her nether lips were dangerously near my shaft. I slid my hand up once more, leaving her free to set up her own pace. She slid back and stalled there for a second, enough to make me worry maybe it was too much for her. 

My worries turned out to be unfounded. She moved forward more, a bit less than what I pushed her for the first time. She didn’t stall, moving back and forth in the limited area her first voluntary movement drew, at least at first. After a minute, her moans were added to the flow, and more importantly, her range of movement started to increase. Soon, she even passed the point where I marked at the beginning, coming dangerously close to the crown.

I was so tempted to raise it just a bit, so that she would impale herself on the way back, but I held myself back. Instead, I leaned to her ear, and whispered. “There is no harm in just sliding in the tip,” I reminded her. Her body pressed against mine, I felt the shudder that passed through her body as it passed through mine. Her lips gave no answer, not that they needed to when she moved even further across my length, tracing the curvature until her entrance was aligned with the crown, coating it with her juices. She froze, hesitant, but her courage faltered, and she pulled back. 

I said nothing, just continued to caress her body encouragingly as she repeated the same motion several times, only to falter at the last moment. But with each repeat, the delay got extended, until that time she finally managed to push through her own reticence, and a tight warmth wrapped the top. I said nothing, busy combating my own desire to pull her deep into my shaft. She pulled back, trailing the path her rhythmic movement had created. 

I had been hoping for her to gather enough courage, or arousal, to push through the useless mental block that fundamentalist assholes called a pledge, but in the end, I caused her to break it inadvertently. I squeezed her nipple hard while nibbling her neck at the exact moment her nether lips were grasping the crown. The rush of pleasure hit her hard, causing her legs to tremble powerlessly. Her balance lost, she found herself impaled deep, her barrier only resisting for a split second before suffering its destruction. 

A moan escaped her mouth as she found herself skewered with an unfamiliar presence. I could see that she intended that moan to sound like a sound of protest, but her body, after a strong orgasm and a second one that was closing, had different ideas, turning it into a moan of pleasure instead. She tried to extract herself, but before she could complete the motion, I wrapped my hands on her torso and pulled her back. “Let me go,” she moaned, but her tone of voice disagreed with her message. 

“I can,” I whispered seductively, like the snake trying to convince Eve that she already pulled the apple from the tree, and what harm a bite could bring. “But the accident has already happened, and what’s done is done. Why don’t we use it as another teaching opportunity instead.” 

“I don’t know-” she murmured, but her words were cut early with another cry when my fingers found her clit, teasing softly as my shaft stretched her walls. 

“What’s the harm,” I whispered. “After all, it’s just training.” 

Once again, the silence stretched while I waited impatiently. “Yes, it’s just training,” she murmured after almost a minute later, more to convince herself. I loosened my grip around her waist, and she started to move upwards, only to stop at the last second and reversing the direction, allowing my girth to push against her walls once more. I stood passively as she repeated the motion a few times, waiting for her to get used to my presence. 

Then, without a warning, my arms tightened around her waist once more and I stood up. She let out a yelp when she found herself in the air, but my grip was strong. “Hold tight,” I ordered, and her legs wrapped around my waist. I started walking towards the bed, each step pushing my shaft even deeper into her untouched territory. 

When we arrived at the destination, I threw her on the bed before she could even realize the shift. She lay on her back, her legs parted open, anticipation rapidly dominating her face as I took a position over her. Her expression was affirmation enough, so I leaned forward and slide inside her, a delicious expression of pleasure dominating her face. Missionary was such an underrated position. Yes, it could be monotonous in repetition, but in the end, everything was. But there was a certain magic in examining the face of a young woman experiencing the fruits of the womanhood for the first time. 

Her expression of pleasure was in agreement. Her lips opened for a cry that threatened to break through the sound resistance of the room, and I grabbed them with another domineering kiss, made much easier thanks to the comfortable position. Her cry vibrated in my mouth, tempting me to impale her even harder, which in turn made her moan even louder, in a divine example of positive feedback. Unused to the pleasures of the flesh, it didn’t take long before she shuddered under the throes of another orgasm. 

I pulled back from the kiss, but deliberately stayed inside her, sliding in a leisure manner as she helplessly tightened around me, her trembles intensifying whenever I was fully buried inside her. Her eyes were closed as she was dominated under a rush of unfamiliar sensations, helped by the gentle caresses of my hands exploring her body. 

A blush spread on her face a minute later, when the haze dissipated enough for her to open her eyes. It wasn’t a redness of pleasure, but common shyness, born from the realization of what just had happened. Pulling back and letting her gather herself would be the kind thing to do, which was why I pushed into her until I was fully sheathed and left another peck on her lips. “How is my prodigal student?” 

“Good,” she managed to whisper, unable to meet my eyes. 

“Perfect then, do you want to move onto the next module?” I asked. 

She froze at the implication that it wasn’t the end of what carnal pleasure offered. On her face, I could see an alliance of curiosity and desire, fighting against exhaustion and remaining tatters of her sense of propriety, but unfortunately, the latter was victorious. “I have school tomorrow,” she managed to murmur. 

But despite her assertion, she made no move of pulling back, looking at me with a mixture of anticipation and reprehension. It was clear that she would continue if I pushed. But I pulled back after one last peck. I wanted her to wait for a few days in anticipation for the next step, not to mention I wanted to see whether she would be able to gather enough courage to visit in her own violation. I stood up and passed her the clothes laying on the floor, using the opportunity to check the cameras to see whether Nancy was around. Thankfully, she wasn’t there for another evening session, as it would be difficult to explain why Katie was leaving my room in the middle of the night with a very distinct limp. 

She looked at me like she was asking me to turn back, but received only a smirk and a shrug in response. It was enough to remind her just how ridiculous her request was. She quickly pulled her clothes on, and turned to the stairs. “Are you going to leave without a hug,” I said to her, raising my arms invitingly. 

Her steps were hesitant, but it didn’t change the fact that each step drove her closer to my clutches. She wrapped her arms around me, but it wasn’t a gentle hug that I had in mind. I hooked my arm around her waist before dipping her back, my lips seeking hers once more in an attempt to replicate the famous photograph of the sailor. 

The kiss lasted for another half a minute, and when I pulled back, the excitement was the dominant expression on her face once more. She looked at me with anticipation, expecting an encore. “You’re already late for bed,” I said with a smirk. “You don’t want to be exhausted for tomorrow’s lessons, right?” 

“Of course not,” she said, but her tone didn’t agree, suggesting that missing a day’s worth of lesson through exhaustion wasn’t as bad compared to the alternatives. But even after what we just did, she lacked the willpower to assert her desires openly, so with a sigh, she turned and climbed the stairs, her limp ticking my archaic male pride. 

When she disappeared at the door, I switched to my camera and watched her until she was in her own room. However, there was one little problem, during the session I hadn’t had my release, causing my shaft to stand uncomfortably. For a moment, I considered paying a quick visit to Nicole, using her to finish what her stepdaughter had started, but then, an even better idea came to my mind. 

I sent a quick message to Nancy, inviting her to the living room for a talk… 



Thx 4 Chapter!