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Kim was feeling exhausted when the alarm blared loudly, forcing her out of her short and restless sleep, filled with dark dreams she couldn’t exactly remember. Last night, trying to sleep proved to be quite an ordeal, that fateful moment popping in her vision whenever her eyes were closed, injecting a fresh dose of anger to her veins. It was only with the first lights of the morning she managed to fall asleep, though it could be more accurately defined as unconsciousness. 

And even that fleeting rest hadn’t been comfortable. It was plagued by the nightmares she couldn’t remember now that she was awake, but she had a strong feeling that chains were involved. She wished calling sick was an option, especially since she had a ready-made excuse in the form of her sprained leg. Unfortunately, she needed to be at school, not only she needed to drop the paper for Mrs. Robinson, but also she needed to spend some time with Mike if she was ever going to earn his trust. 

The first thing she did was to write a quick message to Olivia, asking her to pick her up. Kim needed to talk to someone about what happened, and her best friend was the only one that she could trust about it, as she was the only one that knew about the relationship between her and Mike, and the only one she could trust to keep her mouth shut about her sister. Kim didn’t want to imagine what her parents would do to both of them if they learned what was happening under their roof. And since her car was still at school, a lift would have been useful. She had no intention of spending her journey trying to ignore the hungry gaze of a pathetic driver. 

She still had an hour to prepare. With that in mind, she took a quick shower to help her awaken, and then wrapped her ankle once again. She quickly dried her body, and started drying her hair, which took a considerably longer time. While her hands were busy with the drier, her mind was on which clothes to wear. She needed something multi-functional, one that would look casually attractive from a distance, while allowing a sexy transformation after a few quick touch-ups. 

In the end, she decided on a long burgundy skirt with a zipper along the side, giving her an adjustable slit to display her legs to the maximum effectiveness. On her top, she chose to wear a sleeveless black top that covered her shoulders, relying on the buttons on its front to adjust as needed. And to maximize the impact, she picked the sexiest underwear she owned, a dark red set that was more lace than fabric, covering a minimal amount of skin while elevating her looks to the max. She had used them previously to the maximum effect, driving her previous boyfriend crazy whenever she whispered to his ear what she was wearing… Of course, his obvious display of enthusiasm also caused her to get bored and dump him, but for Mike, she had more important things to focus on. 

She pulled the side-zipper up, and popped a few buttons open, examining herself in the mirror. With her underwear peeking from the edges, enhancing her already great natural beauty with a sexy edge, she looked magnificent, she decided, smiling for the first time today. She had great pride in her looks, and the full potential of sexiness she was packing boosted her self confidence significantly, even though she had no plans to unleash the full range today. 

She opened her shoe closet, looking at a pair of dark red heeled boots with sadness. They were perfect to complete the ensemble she was wearing, but her ankle was still tender enough that she couldn’t wear them. She wore a pair of dark-colored sandals instead. They weren’t her first preference, but she needed to favor comfort over looks to return to the training as soon as possible. She picked a dark toned make-up to complete the impression, contrasting with her blond hair nicely. 

Since she was still waiting for Olivia to arrive, Kim walked downstairs, wanting to grab a quick bite before she left, some fruit, or maybe a bit of cereal. But when she was in downstairs, she came to a sudden stop. The reason, her sister, walking around the kitchen, trying to prepare breakfast. An extraordinary thing, as her sister usually preferred to sleep until midday, but not as extraordinary as the reason for her slight limp. She squeezed her hand, struggling to control her emotions. She wanted to shout at her sister, asking what the fuck she was thinking, but in the end, she didn’t. She was afraid of admitting what she had seen last night, knowing that it would change their relationship between them. 

“Hey, sis,” said Audrey when she noticed Kim standing in the middle of the room, waiting for her to speak. “Right in time for an amazing breakfast. How do you prefer your eggs?” Kim had to bit her lips from saying something. She did so, because even she didn’t know that she would have said if she opened her mouth. Undecided, her mouth stayed shut, the silence stretching in a way that slowly turned uncomfortable. “Is something wrong?” she asked. 

Something was indeed wrong, but the last thing Kim wanted was to explain it. But with a stroke of good luck, her phone started ringing. “Thank god,” she murmured as she raised her phone and opened. 

“I’ll be there in a second, kitty, come outside,” said Olivia. 

“Coming right up,” she answered and closed the phone. “Sorry sis,” she answered enthusiastically, happy to have an excuse to escape. “Olivia is here to pick me up. I’ll need to take a rain check.” 

“Nice, you’re finally taking my advice. Carpooling has much lower carbon footprint. Good for you,” Audrey said with a huge smile.   

The risk of an environmental disaster had no bearing on her decision, but there was no benefit in informing her sister about that, so she just nodded before walking towards the door. Thankfully, distracted by her own morning routine, her sister failed to notice her limp, which would cause undue concern for her. Normally, she enjoyed being pampered by her sister, a process which usually included nice imported chocolates, and maybe even a cocktail or two, but not this time… The less she talked with her sister today, the better. 

She walked out, and a second later, Olivia appeared over the corner in her car, a red convertible with considerable engine power. A waste in her opinion, as Olivia barely avoided a panic attack any time she drove faster than forty, but that didn’t prevent her from bugging her parents until they gifted her a car more impressive than what Julia was using. Kim approved. High school hierarchy was tricky, and they needed every advantage they could gather to stay above Hannah-Julia duo. 

“Hey, girl, how is your leg,” asked Olivia as she pulled next to her. 

“Better than yesterday,” Kim answered as she opened the door and stepped inside. 

The car started moving the moment the door was closed. “Really, why are you looking glum, then,” Olivia asked. Kim stayed silent for a few seconds, trying to come up with the best way to explain what she had seen the last night. “Come on, girl. I’m waiting,” Olivia added, her fingers dancing with impatience over the steering wheel. 

Kim decided to be direct. “Last night, I saw my sister having sex with Mike,” she said. The car swerved wildly, forcing Kim to hold on her seat to keep her in place. Luckily, the road was empty, so they didn’t hit anything, though it was a close call for an innocent tree. “What was that!” Kim shouted, her heartbeat loud enough to deafen her. 

“Don’t yell at me,” said Olivia as she pulled to the side. “It’s your fault, I was surprised by your joke.” She made a show of shuddering. “Damn, even in imagination it is horrible. A pathetic specimen like Mike, together with someone as magnificent as your sister.” 

Kim had to suppress a shudder of her own. Olivia’s words brought the memories from the last night to the surface, where pathetic was hardly the adjective Mike deserved. But that was hardly the point to make there. “No,” she said instead, as serious as she could manage. “That’s true. I caught my sister with Mike, having sex.” 

Olivia let out a strangled gasp as she pulled to the side, her face contorted with shock. “Shut the fuck up, no way!” she exclaimed. “How can something like that be possible.” 

“I don’t know,” Kim answered. “I saw them together when I arrived home earlier than expected. They were in upstairs, my sister’s room, doing it.” Of course, they were also doing it in the shower, and at downstairs later on, but that was hardly the point Kim wanted to make. The situation was complicated enough in its current state. 

“Are you sure that she was willing, maybe-” Olivia started to say, but Kim cut her off. 

“No, believe me, she was willing,” she answered, Audrey’s worshipful expression popping to her mind. “She was willing indeed.” 

“I don’t understand,” Olivia said. “I mean. It’s Audrey. She is literally a goddess, tall, rich, and sexy. Even if she wanted a young boy toy to amuse herself for the night, why would she chose that pathetic nerd.” 

“I don’t know,” Kim answered. She should have admitted that it didn’t look like Audrey was in control, but she kept her mouth shut. The situation was shameful enough when Olivia was thinking her sister was the dominant one, and she had no inclination to alert her to the reality of it. Of course, Olivia was still waiting for an answer, so Kim went with the easiest answer. “Maybe because of his size?” she suggested. 

“I wouldn’t have guessed that your sister has a fetish for tall men?” Olivia answered. “Wasn’t her last boyfriend like five feet tall.” 

“That’s not what I’m talking about,” Kim answered. 

“What-” Olivia started to say with a confused expression, only to freeze. “No way!” she exclaimed in a scandalized manner. “Mike can’t be that big down there.” Kim looked at her questioningly. “He just can’t,” Olivia continued with absolute certainty. “He doesn’t have the confidence of a man with a big tool. Even if he doesn’t have a micro, it cannot be above four inches.” 

Kim shook her head. “No,” she answered. “He is considerably bigger.” 

“How big he was,” asked Olivia with a giggle, the severity of the situation destroyed by her sudden shift in attitude. 

“I’ll not tell you how bit it was,” Kim said angrily. “We have more important things to talk about.” 

“Tell me to stop, then,” Olivia countered as she opened her hands approximately five inches, then the distance between them started to grow. “How about it?” she asked. 

“Not yet,” Kim spat out, deciding that the easiest way to return to the topic was to give her what she wanted. Olivia had a tendency to be stubborn when she got stuck on something. 

“No way,” Olivia said, her eyes widening as her hands continued to move apart. “This much!?” Kim was about to shook her head once more, as from what she had seen from the last night, he was even bigger, but the awed expression on Olivia’s face stopped her. Too late, she realized that Olivia had a fascination with the size that bordered on unhealthy, and informing her about his full size would likely backfire. The last thing she needed was for Olivia to start chasing after Mike as well. She grabbed Olivia’s wrists and pushed her hands closer, one extremely closer to their earlier position. “Ah,” Olivia murmured, a bit disappointed. “Not bad, but nothing to be impressed either.” 

“Since the most important part of the problem is finally solved,” Kim said with a pointed tone. “Maybe we can move onto less important issues, like how to make that asshole pay for what he had done.” 

“That depends on what we want. The easiest way would be to whisper a couple words to Jason. He has a crush on you. If he heard a rumor that says Mike was around you, he would frighten him away.” 

“Maybe something less violent,” Kim said. It wasn’t that she was feeling bad for Mike, or Jason, but the sight of his muscled back was still sharp in her mind, and she felt reluctant to try the path of violence. A voice on the back of her head was telling her that it might cause things to slide out of control quickly. “We should keep it simple. Maybe I should encourage him to take things physical. From what I had seen last night, he would be quick to take that road. Then, I can complain to the headmaster, and we can have him kicked out. Not exactly a genius plan, but effective.” 

“Not a bad idea,” Olivia answered. “But maybe I should be the one that does it. He might try to retaliate if you’re the one that does it. As a wronged party who just realized that the boy that touched me was the secret boyfriend of my best friend, I would have more leeway to create a commotion.” 

Kim smiled widely. “You would do that for me?” 

“Of course, girl,” Olivia said. “We are besties, aren’t we?” 

“We are,” Kim approved, excited to get rid of the latest threat to her lifestyle. “When should we do it?” 

“After the last class,” Olivia answered. “I’ll ask for his help and bring him to the lab floor. Then, I’ll send you a message, and you’ll catch us, creating a commotion that would surely draw a few teachers close. Since it’s after class, there won’t be any student around there.” 

“It’s a plan,” Kim said in approval. Their laboratories, despite being filled with first-rate equipment, rarely had any student other than mandatory classes, and never after the end of the class. Also, they were close to the teacher’s lounge, meaning the commotion that Kim started would be heard by a teacher almost immediately. From there, Kim was sure that they could spin the situation in a way that would end with him getting kicked out.

Kim was smiling once more as Olivia continued to drive. Soon, Mike was going to pay for daring to touch her family…

      *****       *****       *****       *****       ***** 

“… I promise, Mrs. Robinson. I’ll make sure to finish the next one as soon as you assigned.” Kim murmured, doing her best to suppress her desire to shout. She had been listening to Mrs. Robinson’s tirade for the last fifteen minutes about the merits of hard work and punctuality. Kim found herself forced to listen as she went through with her redundant lesson. At this hour, she was supposed to be in Gym class, but she was excused because of her ankle. So instead, she was listening to a boring lecture about punctuality. Still, she kept her mouth shut. The last thing she needed was to annoy her teacher, which would give her a cause to examine her work in greater detail. Her life was complicated enough without dealing with plagiarism charges. 

“See that you don’t,” said her teacher in her usual sanctimonious tone. 

“Thanks again, madam,” Kim said before leaving the teacher’s lounge. “Too bad Mike won’t be around to help me for the next homework,” she murmured, half annoyed that keeping him until he finished her final paper wasn’t an option. She shrugged, writing a paper herself wouldn’t exactly kill her, and if her last paper does as well as she hoped, she would already have a passing grade, making it less of a priority issue. 

She was about to go to her next lesson, but a glance to the outside changed her mind. She saw Mike, but she also saw Olivia next to him, walking towards the storage rooms where gym equipment was being kept. And to make things worse, Olivia was wearing something other than her usual gym clothes, which was revealing enough. But now, they were replaced by a tank-top that left her stomach bare, and micro-shorts, both a size too small for her, showing contours of her body like they were painted. 

“Damnit, Ollie,” she murmured as she dashed towards the stairs, trying to ignore the pain that spread with each hurried step. It wouldn’t be the first time her best friend decided to adapt a plan on the fly without bothering to clear with Kim, despite her tunnel vision that caused her last-minute adjustments to blow up on their faces with a dangerous frequency. And the current one wasn’t an exception. Creating a scene in the storage rooms when gym class was in action would be a true disaster, especially with the way Olivia was dressed. Just the insinuation that she or Olivia was in a relationship with a scholarship student would be enough to sink their reputation. The fact that they were fighting for him… It didn’t even bear thinking about…

Kim looked from the window once more after she cleared the stairs, and saw that their path had changed. Now, instead of continuing towards the gym, they were going towards the storage shed which kept out of used equipment. Better than a gym, but pointless. Likely there wouldn’t be anyone around to hear the commotion, and even if there was, it would likely to be a student rather than a teacher. 

She reached her phone to send a message to Olivia, only to remember that she left it in her bag, which was still in the classroom. “Damn,” she murmured. If she tried to go to the classroom, which was on another wing, she wouldn’t be able to catch up with Olivia before they reached the storage room. And if they were inside, there was no chance for Kim to sneak inside without being noticed. 

In the end, she decided that her presence was more important than whether she had her phone with her, and continued her walk. Luckily, they were walking slowly, which gave her enough time to dash ahead of them even with her twisted ankle. A minute later, she was in the storage shed, which was piled with old equipment, still completely workable, but both the gym and the sports teams were sources of pride for the school, meaning they always had the latest and fanciest equipment. 

But the spending habits of the school was only a passing concern for her as her eyes browsed the room, trying to find a good place to hide without sacrificing her ability to observe the room. The answer came in the form of a pile of damaged exercise mats, which created almost an impenetrable barrier, with the exception of a small opening where she could watch the room. “Excellent,” she murmured as she took her vantage point. Not a moment too soon, as the moment she took the position, the door opened, and a familiar giggle filled the room… 


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