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Not knowing what to do, Kim took a taxi to the nearest coffee shop, and sit on a corner seat. She would have preferred a bar, or better, a nightclub instead, but two things prevented her. First, her fake ID, which showed her as twenty-two rather than her real age of eighteen was in her room, and under the circumstances, going back to pick it up was not an option. 

The second reason was simpler, she was still wearing her cheerleader costume, and going to a bar in that was a big no-no. She had no intention of spending the next few hours dissuading drunk assholes, drawn to her costume like a moth to a flame. It was a testament to her anger that they didn’t try to bother her now. A couple of the braver ones tried to walk towards her, only to change her mind as she turned her gaze towards them. Thankfully, it was evening, and the most persistent ones were already at the bars, allowing her to focus on her own woes. 

She sat on the corner table, a large mug of hot chocolate, topped with whipped cream, between her hands, its warmth comforting her as much as its sweet taste. Hot chocolate was her comfort food, one she tried to avoid as much as possible to protect her figure. But tonight was worthy of being an exception, she thought as a giggle escaped her mouth. It wasn’t an amused giggle. It gave the impression of a hysteric one instead, laced with desperation. She was edging a breakdown. 

No matter how much she thought, she failed to wrap her head around the surprise scene that greeted her when she arrived at home. Catching her sister on the action was traumatic enough, her cries loud enough to echo in downstairs. Luckily, the distance between the house and the neighboring ones was far enough, a silver lining to a huge problem she was facing. 

A problem named Mike, she admitted, unable to avoid it despite her tries. Seeing him naked, hovering over Audrey, was against every thought, every conclusion she had about him. He was supposed to be simple. A minority student with excellent grades, with a demeanor guaranteed to avoid any problem, brought in to their exclusive private school in an attempt to claim diversity. Everything about him at school seemed unworthy of notice, his thick-framed glasses, his ugly clothes, his slouched shoulders, and his determination to avoid conflict no matter how much the other students had insulted him. Kim had always thought that it was cowardice that kept him from acting, making him unable to stand against his betters…

Then, Kim had seen him with her sister, the strongest woman she had ever known. And alone with her, he was completely different. She wasn’t able to see his face, but hadn’t needed to understand that somehow, her perception of him was completely askew. Just seeing his back was enough, his slouch replaced by a confident gait, reminding her a lion standing over his fallen prey, preparing himself for a feast. 

As she continued to think about it, another emotion started to join her confusion, annoyance. She had to admit, that if he had managed to hide his personality that well, it was exceedingly likely that he had realized what Kim was trying to do, but played along while mocking her in his mind. At that point, Kim carefully avoided how her sister was linked to the subject, focusing on her own outrage. Anger was easier to process than confusion…  

      *****       *****       *****       *****       ***** 

It was easier to focus on her anger when her home wasn’t in her sight, she realized as the taxi she was in drove closer to her home. Her earlier outrage was dwindling swiftly as she traveled closer to her home, replaced with a timid anticipation. When the car stopped on the driveway, her anger had frozen sufficiently to make her consider going back to the coffee shop. Unfortunately, it was past eleven, and the coffee shop was about to close. She could have gone to Olivia’s house instead, but that required an explanation on why she was still dressed in her cheerleader costume, an explanation she didn’t feel ready to give. 

With that, she passed a twenty to the driver, waved off the change as the tip, and stepped on the carefully cut stones of their driveway, creating a rustic feel. Kim was biting her lip as she limped towards the main door, her ankle hurting even more as the spray the coach had used started to lose its effectiveness. A feeling of anticipation filled her chest as she twisted her key, fearing that she would be greeted by the moans of her sister once again. 

A relaxed breath escaped her mouth as she stepped into a silent living room. Even better, the blouse that was lying on the ground was nowhere to be seen, meaning not only they had finished, but had enough time to erase the clues. But as she looked at the pristine state of the living room, she couldn’t help but wonder how many times it happened. The only thing Kim knew was it wasn’t the first time, and probably not the second time as well. They were too confident in their roles for it to be a fresh thing. 

It was silent, but still, Kim couldn’t help but feel panicked as she walked through the corridors, unable to shake the feeling that she was about to come face to face with her naked sister, or even scarier, her naked fake-boyfriend. That thought slowed her steps more than her twisted ankle did, her heart getting heavier with each step. 

Thankfully, the door to her room was closed, giving her one last opportunity to gather herself before knocking the door. “Come in,” said Mike. It was his usual voice, lacking in both emotion and strength, the one that convinced her that he was nothing more than a spineless nerd. But now that she knew what lay underneath, she could actually catch one emotion in his tone. Amusement. 

He was mocking her, she suddenly realized, her, and rest of the school. She could see why, he didn’t have to do anything extreme, just used a false front, and their assumption did the rest. And he dared to use that fact to somehow seduce her sister. Just like that, her anger was in flames again, roaring in an intensity that threatened to swallow her.

She took a deep breath before opening the door, trying to control herself. She wanted nothing more than storm inside and start throwing the heaviest books she had to his head, but that would only reveal her hand. No, she needed an actual plan if she was going to take her revenge. No one treated her like an idiot.

The door swung open, revealing Mike, who was sitting on her desk, his pencil dancing on the paper as he filled yet another sheet with his handwriting. With his body once again hidden by his ill-fitting shirt and jeans, his shoulder slouched, his head down, he was in his nerdy guise once again. Almost enough to make her believe that the earlier scenes were nothing more than a figment of her imagination. 

Almost, but not quite. The scene was etched in her mind, and a fake attitude like that could never succeed to remove it. “Hi, Mike,” said Kim, trying to act casual, but despite her best efforts, her voice trembled for a moment. “Sorry I was late, but I had a bit of trouble at the training.” 

He quirked his eyebrow questioningly, but then she took a step forward, limping badly. The injury was bad, and the extra journey she took wasn’t the best solution for it. “Are you okay,” he asked as he stood up, his eyes on her ankle, which was wrapped tightly. 

“Just a sprain,” she explained as she continued to walk, but in an effort to show her strength, she took a step that was nominally stronger, which was followed by a painful stab of pain. A gasp escaped her mouth despite her best efforts. 

“Let me help you,” he said as he closed on the distance between them in two large steps, his arm present for her comfort. 

“Thanks,” she murmured, trying not to be intimidated by his height. It was the first time she ever felt intimidated by his presence, because all the other times, she was convinced that he was just a spineless boy with nothing special other than an overdeveloped aptitude for math. But after their earlier encounter, she had to revisit those assumptions. 

They said nothing until they reached to her bed, and she sat on her bed. She glanced at his face a couple of times as they walked towards her bed, trying to understand what he was thinking. But she only found a thin layer of concern, covering a sea of indifference. And it annoyed her immensely, not because she was emotionally invested in their fake relationship, but due to fact that she had been tricked for so long by his weak acting. If it wasn’t for the earlier scene, she would have written of his expression as his personality. No wonder Olivia hadn’t been feeling comfortable around him. 

For the first time in the evening, her heart tasted an emotion stronger than her shock. The flare of outrage edged the other emotions to the side, annoyed by the fact that a trailer trash like him dared to trick her, and even more importantly, he dared to defile her precious family. She was going to take revenge. 

It was her strongest suit, ruining people. The easiest way to do that would be to ruining him in the school completely, without screwing herself in the process. And to do that, she needed him to trust her nominally. 

Distracted by her plans, she was late to notice that Mike was sitting on her bed. “Let me see your ankle,” he said, and before she could react, he grabbed her knee, pulling her on his lap. Her first instinct was to pull back, of course, but she managed to suppress that response. She wanted him to trust her, and the first step on that road was to act like their relationship was genuine. With that, even if he stayed unaffected -which she doubted, her seduction skills were phenomenal- he would start to take her actions at face value. So, she didn’t resist as he pulled her leg on his lap, his fingers gently dancing around her ankle wrap. “It’s a bit loose, we need to tighten it up,” he said, once again, his fake concern like a badly wrapped foil. 

“Thanks,” Kim answered in a soft voice, one that never failed to work on the other boys, but Mike didn’t even bother to look at her face, busy with unwrapping her bandages. His fingers moved quickly in a practiced familiarity, loosening her bandage, and soon, her skin was revealed, slightly bruised. “It doesn’t look too bad, but it would be better if we could put some cold compress on it. Is there a medicine cabinet in the house. 

“There should be one in the upstairs bathroom,” she answered even as she jiggled slightly. It was a strategic move, one that allowed her skirt to bunch upwards a bit, and considering she was still in her cheerleading costume, which was quite short, the result was spectacular. But his eyes didn’t stray from her ankle as he carefully raised her leg and stepped away, which was another annoying detail. 

Thankfully, she managed to hold back a scowl until he left the room, leaving the door open behind him. “Stupid idiot,” she murmured in annoyance. It wasn’t the most impressive insult, but it worked well enough to drain her frustration. But her relative calmness lasted only for a second. He heard him opening the bathroom door, and the sound of running water reached to her ears for a second before he could close it. It was a small detail, one she wouldn’t have noticed in any other situation, but this time, her instincts were shouting that the bathroom he just walked inside wasn’t empty. 

“Fuck,” she murmured. For a few seconds, she waited for the sound of the bathroom door opening, but it stayed closed. She bit her lips, trying not to think the worst. Maybe she had misheard, and the bathroom was actually empty. But as the seconds passed, she started to doubt that it was the case. When it reached the five minutes mark, she was sure, but she lacked the ability to do anything. Yes, she could have just gone and busted them, but that would remove any chance of him trusting her, therefore destroying her chances of getting him kicked out of the school. Instead, she decided to enhance her chances of impressing him. She removed the small short she wore under her cheerleading skirt, which was there to prevent any visual accidents. And also, she pulled her shirt down a bit, enough to enhance her cleavage. More she could impress him, easier she could keep him away from her sister.

But that realization didn’t make any easier to act calm when he returned with two hand-prints over his shoulders, too small to be self-inflicted. It didn’t take a genius to realize who they belonged. Kim tried to smile, but she was unable to prevent her bitterness from showing. “Sorry for being late,” he said in his regular tone. “I had a bit of trouble finding it.” 

“It’s okay, it’s not hurting much,” she answered. 

“Still, I shouldn’t have kept you waiting,” he answered. His fake concern made her even angrier, as not only she knew it was a lie, but she had a pretty good idea about the reason for her delay. He pulled a chair towards her, and opened his mouth, about to continue his concerned speech. She said nothing just raised her leg for him once more, hoping to make him stop talking. Only when his smile twisted into something darker, she realized the mistake she made. In her hurry to silence her, she raised her leg without paying attention to her skirt, giving him a clearer glimpse of her panties than she had intended. 

Still, she kept it in place despite the blush that threatened to invade her face. It was humiliating, but it was the first time he had showed her anything other than his empty expression, so she decided to count it as a win. And if her heart-rate had picked up a bit, it was definitely about the humiliation she was feeling. It definitely wasn’t a sudden feeling of excitement she felt. 

Whatever it was, it was gone the moment his expression returned to his usual goody form. Her hands reached to her skirt, trying to fix it without making it obvious. He was occupied with checking her ankle, which allowed her to succeed in her task. Then, he sprayed some of the cold compress, and a gasp escaped her mouth. “Careful,” she yelped. 

“Brace yourself for just a second,” he answered as he wrapped the bandage around her ankle in a practiced manner. It hurt a bit, but she managed to keep herself from giving any visual confirmation. She didn’t want to appear weak. “All done,” he added. 

“Thanks,” she answered, lowering her eyes to the ground to give an impression of shyness. Showing signs of a crush was an appropriate strategy, especially after he ‘heroically’ bandaged her wounds. And she didn’t have to work hard to add blush, as her anger already saw to it. “You’re the best boyfriend ever,” she murmured, letting her eyes to find his face in a fleeting moment, solidifying her image of crush. And during that glance, she managed to catch a satisfied expression on his face, no doubt buying her impression of crush. Good, she thought. More he believed her sincerity, easier time she would have to engineer a situation that would have him kicked out of school. 

“It’s the least I can do,” he said as he slid with his chair towards the table. “And I need to return to the paper. There are a few more things I want to add before leaving, and I don’t have much time before the last bus.” 

“They should be enough,” she answered as she pointed towards the papers in front of him. He was already filling his third paper, which meant she was already going to cut down quite a bit of length as she rewrote it. Mrs. Robinson was one of the more attentive teachers, and she would never believe Kim could finish a paper of that size in just a night. And half of it should be enough for a passing grade in any case. 

“If you say so,” he said with a shrug. Then, her sister walked through the corridor, appearing her doorway for a moment before continuing her walk. While passing, she didn’t look at them. But it wasn’t a casual inattentiveness. No, she firmly kept looking forward, her neck or eyes not deviating even for a bit, not that Kim would have noticed it if it wasn’t for her accidental stumble. The only positive thing that she was wearing actual clothes rather than just a towel. “Maybe I should bring you some food,” he said. “How about some orange juice, or some hot chocolate.” 

“There is no need…” she tried to say, but before she could complete her sentence, he was already on his feet, walking out. She bit her lip, trying to hold back a frustrated cry. Here she was, dressed as revealingly as she could, but it didn’t even keep him a moment. She needed to up her game, she decided. But she shelved that part, as she had something more important to think about. Namely, whether she should follow him to downstairs, to prevent another encounter between him and her sister. 

She decided to block it, not wanting that poor bastard to defile her sister any more than he already had. She stood up despite the lingering pain that begged her to wait, and started to walk, though her speed was closer to crawling. But just before she reached the stairs, she received the first sign that she was too late. A muffled moan, quiet enough to be mistaken for an illusion. But she just needed one more step to realize it wasn’t. 

The view that she saw was no less scandalous than the one in Audrey’s bedroom. It was even worse, because this time, both of them was aware of her presence under the same roof, but that hadn’t stopped them. She had to bit her lips to prevent a cry of frustration escaping her mouth. Mike was sitting on the couch like he owned the place. Both his pants and his boxers were around his ankles, driving the message even further. Still, it wasn’t as bad as Audrey’s position. She was still wearing her top, but that didn’t mean anything because it was rolled up enough to reveal her naked tits. Even worse, she was on her knees in front of Mike, with her head between his legs, trying to devour his length, while concealing his actual presence at the same time. 

An errant thought struck Kim. How big he was? She hated herself for focusing on such a topic in the situation she was in, but she couldn’t help but think about it. It was her sister’s fault. She was obviously struggling as she tried to suck him, gagging whenever she tried to push herself deeper on it. But her thoughts took a backseat when she realized Mike had noticed the same issue her sister was having, but decided to approach in a different way. His hands landed on her head, and without a warning, pushed her down.

Kim watched with her mouth open as her fake boyfriend forced his shaft into her sister’s throat, ignoring her gasping and wheezing. She repeatedly tapped his leg, likely begging him to lessen the pressure, but he didn’t let her breathe. Kim got angrier and angrier at the treatment her sister was receiving, and she was about to walk downstairs to break things down, consequences be damned, when he finally let her go. “Mike, that was amazing,” her sister moaned in an obvious display of enjoyment, adding a brand new shock to Kim’s growing collection. 

She took a step back before they could notice her, and returned to her room as soon as she could. Her sister’s obvious enjoyment was just a part of her shock. The responsibility for the other half belonged to Mike, or more accurately, the monster he had been packing between his legs, larger and thicker than even her wildest guess. She bit her lips, trying to ignore the sudden warmth between her legs. It was a shocked reaction, and nothing more. 

It took almost fifteen minutes for them to return. Her sister walked in front of the door first. “Hey sis,” she murmured as she passed by, careful not to look at her as she passed. She was obviously trying to hide her face after the treatment she received at downstairs. Mike walked in a couple minutes later, carrying a tray, which had some hot chocolate, with a large piece of marshmallow swimming in the middle. Her favorite, but she wasn’t willing to give him any points for that after what he had done to her sister’s poor throat. 

“It smells delicious,” she murmured, doing her best to act obvious. The last thing she needed was him to notice her acting weird. 

He placed the tray on the desk, then made a show of checking his watch. “Look at that, I will miss the bus if I don’t hurry,” he said. “Is there anything else I can do to help you, honey,” he added. 

“No, sweetie, just be careful,” Kim answered, the diminutive name tasting disgusting to her tongue. It was the first time they called each other by nicknames, and Kim hadn’t enjoyed it a bit. But it was better for her plan, so she did her best to act obvious. She waved him goodbye, he waved in response, and then walked away, leaving Kim alone with her confusion…  


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