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Hey everyone!

April is upon us, so it's time for another roadmap post! This one's going to be packed, so strap in for the ride!

Picking up where February and March left off

First of all: I realize I fell short on some of the announcements in the last roadmap. My apologies for that! Even after all these years I still find it difficult to accurately estimate the completion time of my projects. You just never know what unknown pitfalls you might run into. And certainly picking up some spontaneous projects like Anki Simulator didn't help.

Either way, please rest assured that I will get to the releases re-featured from the last roadmap this time around – not in the least thanks to the current lockdown situation and its tiny silver lining of giving me a bit more time to work with.

Anki 2.1 Ports

Some Anki 2.0 favorites will finally see their 2.1 debut - updated to use the latest and greatest changes in Anki 2.1.20+:

  • Advanced Previewer (current progress demoed in the GIF above!) and
  • More Answer Buttons for New Cards

Updates to Patreon-exclusives

I will finally be releasing the major feature updates to

  • AnJoy and
  • BetterTags

that I've been working on over the past couple of months.

(More add-ons might follow if I can find the time!)

AnkiWeb Releases

  • Review Heatmap and
  • Image Occlusion Enhanced

will finally see their stable releases on AnkiWeb.

Secret Projects

And lastly, next week will see a huge announcement about a super secret project I've been working on for months now. I don't want to hype it up too much, but I think you guys will love it!

Other fun secret projects are also slated for May :)

In Summary

April and May will be an Anki add-on goodness galore – lots of updates, lots of new releases, hopefully something for everyone.

Thanks so much again for all of your guys' support over the past few months. It's been an amazing ride, and I'm super stoked to continue this journey with you guys!

Stay healthy, stay safe, and as always best of luck with your studies

– Aristotelis (Glutanimate)

P.S.: Stay tuned for the "Search Everywhere" add-on release announcement that should be coming up in a few hours. I will also start working on my inbox now, so if you guys sent me a message recently and were still waiting for a reply, I should be able to follow up over the next few days. Sorry again about the delay!



Gerrit Bonn

Awesome to see Image Occlusion Enhanced gets some love! Easily the most important addon for me and the reason I decided to support this Patreon. Please keep this little oldie plugin in mind. I'd love to see more updates for it.


Agreed! Image Occlusion Enhanced is my most vital add-on


Right! I can't believe it isn't embedded as part of Anki. Only two note types are needed: cloze and image occlusion. Rumor has it that 2.1.50, now in beta, will break Image Occlusion. True?