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Hey guys,

This is the download post for Anki Simulator v0.2.0.

For the full changelog and more information on this release, please see the earlier announcement post.


Anki Simulator should work fine on any Anki 2.1 release that's not too outdated (>=2.1.15 recommended).


Same as always, please drag and drop the downloaded .ankiaddon file onto the Add-ons window, as showcased in the video below. If you are already on a newer Anki release, then you can alternatively also just double-click on the downloaded .ankiaddon file to install it.


Make sure to check out the demo video. It covers everything you need to know to get started (though most things are self-explanatory enough where you'll probably be able to just dive right in!)


If you run into any issues whatsoever please do let me know. Very much looking forward to your feedback!

Thanks again for all of your guys' support in making this add-on a reality!

– Aristotelis (Glutanimate)


Ron Shina

Very cool add-on. The add-on seems to keep the % of correct young cards and % correct mature cards fixed during the simulation. This creates a rather misleading picture - if the maximum reviews per day is set to a number that is too low given the rate of new cards and the current overdue ones, you get to have your cliche and eat it too :) What I mean is, when you run the simulation it seems you could just do less and get the same retention. I think it would be interesting to create different simulation parameters based on cards in the deck (or other decks) that have already been learned by the user, such as: given that a card was studied on time the chance it was correct was X (when the card comes up in the simulation this will be checked) given that a card was reviewed when it was overdue up to 1 week you got it right Y percent (and the simulation does the same) 1 to 2 weeks Z percent 2 to 4... Then, the simulation could also show something similar to the anki stats page (in addition to the amount of reviews it's already showing) You'd get quantitative estimates like the following: higher maximum reviews per day (less overdue cards) - more work but higher retention, but how much higher? more new cards per day with the same amount of max reviews per day - less retention, to what extent?

Jakob (edited)

Comment edits

2023-01-22 23:18:13 Hi Glutanimate! I am not sure, how to use the addon. When starting it (via right click on the cog wheel of a deck) for a single deck (without several under-decks) an error message occurs. As a total noob, the error message seems stem from a python-related issue. I can not tell, wether or not it has to do with the new anki version (I use the current one, as you will see from debug info). For reference, I deactivated all addons except the simulator, but nothing changed. Fehler Es ist ein Fehler aufgetreten. Bitte starten Sie Anki neu und halten Sie während des Startvorgangs die Umschalttaste gedrückt, damit Anki die installierten Erweiterungen temporär deaktiviert. Wenn das Problem nur auftritt, wenn die Erweiterungen aktiviert sind, dann benutzen Sie bitte den Menueintrag Extras > Erweiterungen um die problembehaftete Erweiterung durch selektives Deaktivieren herauszufinden. Wenn Sie die entsprechende Erweiterung herausgefunden haben, dann bitten wir, dass Sie sich mit einem entsprechenden Problembericht an die Support-Seite für Erweiterungen wenden, damit der Fehler behoben werden kann. Debuginformationen: Anki 2.1.49 (dc80804a) Python 3.8.6 Qt 5.14.2 PyQt 5.14.2 Platform: Windows 10 Flags: frz=True ao=True sv=2 Add-ons, last update check: 2022-01-13 09:34:04 Caught exception: Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:\Users\Lenovo\AppData\Roaming\Anki2\addons21\anki_simulator\__init__.py", line 54, in action.triggered.connect(lambda _, did=deck_id: open_simulator_dialog(did)) File "C:\Users\Lenovo\AppData\Roaming\Anki2\addons21\anki_simulator\__init__.py", line 46, in open_simulator_dialog dialog = SimulatorDialog( File "C:\Users\Lenovo\AppData\Roaming\Anki2\addons21\anki_simulator\gui\dialogs.py", line 79, in __init__ self.deckChooser.setDeckName(deck_name) AttributeError: 'DeckChooser' object has no attribute 'setDeckName'
2022-01-13 11:32:39 Hi Glutanimate! I am not sure, how to use the addon. When starting it (via right click on the cog wheel of a deck) for a single deck (without several under-decks) an error message occurs. As a total noob, the error message seems stem from a python-related issue. I can not tell, wether or not it has to do with the new anki version (I use the current one, as you will see from debug info). For reference, I deactivated all addons except the simulator, but nothing changed. Fehler Es ist ein Fehler aufgetreten. Bitte starten Sie Anki neu und halten Sie während des Startvorgangs die Umschalttaste gedrückt, damit Anki die installierten Erweiterungen temporär deaktiviert. Wenn das Problem nur auftritt, wenn die Erweiterungen aktiviert sind, dann benutzen Sie bitte den Menueintrag Extras > Erweiterungen um die problembehaftete Erweiterung durch selektives Deaktivieren herauszufinden. Wenn Sie die entsprechende Erweiterung herausgefunden haben, dann bitten wir, dass Sie sich mit einem entsprechenden Problembericht an die Support-Seite für Erweiterungen wenden, damit der Fehler behoben werden kann. Debuginformationen: Anki 2.1.49 (dc80804a) Python 3.8.6 Qt 5.14.2 PyQt 5.14.2 Platform: Windows 10 Flags: frz=True ao=True sv=2 Add-ons, last update check: 2022-01-13 09:34:04 Caught exception: Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:\Users\Lenovo\AppData\Roaming\Anki2\addons21\anki_simulator\__init__.py", line 54, in action.triggered.connect(lambda _, did=deck_id: open_simulator_dialog(did)) File "C:\Users\Lenovo\AppData\Roaming\Anki2\addons21\anki_simulator\__init__.py", line 46, in open_simulator_dialog dialog = SimulatorDialog( File "C:\Users\Lenovo\AppData\Roaming\Anki2\addons21\anki_simulator\gui\dialogs.py", line 79, in __init__ self.deckChooser.setDeckName(deck_name) AttributeError: 'DeckChooser' object has no attribute 'setDeckName'

Hi Glutanimate! I am not sure, how to use the addon. When starting it (via right click on the cog wheel of a deck) for a single deck (without several under-decks) an error message occurs. As a total noob, the error message seems stem from a python-related issue. I can not tell, wether or not it has to do with the new anki version (I use the current one, as you will see from debug info). For reference, I deactivated all addons except the simulator, but nothing changed. Fehler Es ist ein Fehler aufgetreten. Bitte starten Sie Anki neu und halten Sie während des Startvorgangs die Umschalttaste gedrückt, damit Anki die installierten Erweiterungen temporär deaktiviert. Wenn das Problem nur auftritt, wenn die Erweiterungen aktiviert sind, dann benutzen Sie bitte den Menueintrag Extras > Erweiterungen um die problembehaftete Erweiterung durch selektives Deaktivieren herauszufinden. Wenn Sie die entsprechende Erweiterung herausgefunden haben, dann bitten wir, dass Sie sich mit einem entsprechenden Problembericht an die Support-Seite für Erweiterungen wenden, damit der Fehler behoben werden kann. Debuginformationen: Anki 2.1.49 (dc80804a) Python 3.8.6 Qt 5.14.2 PyQt 5.14.2 Platform: Windows 10 Flags: frz=True ao=True sv=2 Add-ons, last update check: 2022-01-13 09:34:04 Caught exception: Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:\Users\Lenovo\AppData\Roaming\Anki2\addons21\anki_simulator\__init__.py", line 54, in action.triggered.connect(lambda _, did=deck_id: open_simulator_dialog(did)) File "C:\Users\Lenovo\AppData\Roaming\Anki2\addons21\anki_simulator\__init__.py", line 46, in open_simulator_dialog dialog = SimulatorDialog( File "C:\Users\Lenovo\AppData\Roaming\Anki2\addons21\anki_simulator\gui\dialogs.py", line 79, in __init__ self.deckChooser.setDeckName(deck_name) AttributeError: 'DeckChooser' object has no attribute 'setDeckName'


//solved// Okay, nevermind me! Please upload the current version here (it is on 0.2.0). According to your coauthor's reddit there is a v1.1.2. It simulates, shows a graph, but on my laptop the window is too big and if I try to resize it, it vanishes. Bit derpy, but I will try this on monitor to see, if I can solve it. Nevertheless: Great work, I hope I can soon profit from it, as I have to rethink the anki method for me. I am a law student, hence I don't only repeat vocabulary. Each card takes 15-35 seconds and I got completely overwhelmed by 800 cards a day, as that drained a crap ton of my effective working time this semester. How did I reach that point? I created new cards every day to conserve newly learned stuff. After a few semesters the pile of mature cards grew to an enormous size, so I could not review both new and old cards - let alone solving cases to prepare for tests :)