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Hey guys,

I hope you've been having fun playing around with Anki Simulator so far! If so, I'm happy to say that even more simulation goodness is coming your way today with the release of Anki Simulator v0.2.0!

Thanks to your guys' incredible feedback and suggestions, this release is packed with new features and cool improvements. Here is the full changelog:


  • GiovanniHenriksen: Added feature to simulate new cards in addition to actual new cards collected from deck (thanks to Lucas T. for the suggestion!)
  • GiovanniHenriksen: Set "% correct" values from actual retention stats of the selected deck
  • GiovanniHenriksen: Added a config option to set the number of days to look at for retention stats calculation


  • GiovanniHenriksen: Remove "% correct" for unseen cards from controls, rather basing it off of performance on first learning step.
  • Glutanimate: Optimized simulations, yielding a 25% improvement in simulation speed and 90% improvement in memory utilization
  • Glutanimate: Refactored codebase, adding type annotations and clearer separation between UI code and business logic
  • Glutanimate: Refactored web content to simplify future extensibility and testing outside of Anki
  • GiovanniHenriksen: Optimized graph performance by limiting data points per graph to 500 by default. This can be changed through a newly introduced config option.
  • Glutanimate: Added configuration docs
  • Glutanimate: Display add-on version in dialogs

(There were many more awesome suggestions by you guys that we weren't able to pick up just yet, but rest assured that we will get to them!)

Ready to give the new version a try? Then head over to the download post that should be coming up in a second and simulate your heart out!

Thanks so much again for your support and for your help with testing and improving Anki Simulator!

As before, if you have any suggestions or feedback, please don't hesitate to comment below! Excited to hear what you think!

Stay healthy and take care

– Aristotelis (Glutanimate)

P.S.: Stay tuned for more add-on releases over the next couple of days!

P.P.S.: For those of you studying for your Step 1 exam in med school, make sure to check out the AnKing V6 deck which was just released. It's the one I've been testing this add-on on and it's an incredible update over what was already a fantastic deck :)
