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Update (2020-03-25): I've just switched out the download for a new version of the add-on (v0.1.2). This latest release fixes a crash that would occasionally occur on Windows (thanks to Josh for reporting this!). If you've downloaded v0.1.1 before, please upgrade to v0.1.2 to make sure that you don't run into any issues.


Hey guys!

This is the follow-up to the earlier announcement post. Make sure to check that post out for more background info on the idea behind this add-on!

Below you'll fine the download for the first closed test release of Anki Simulator – but first, the release notes:


Anki Simulator should work fine on any Anki 2.1 release that's not too outdated (>=2.1.15 recommended).


Same as always, please drag and drop the downloaded .ankiaddon file onto the Add-ons window, as showcased in the video below. If you are already on a newer Anki release, then you can alternatively also just double-click on the downloaded .ankiaddon file to install it. 


Make sure to check out the demo video. It covers everything you need to know to get started (though most things are self-explanatory enough where you'll probably be able to just dive right in!)


If you run into any issues whatsoever please do let me know. Very much looking forward to your feedback!

Thanks again for all of your guys' support in making this add-on a reality!

– Aristotelis (Glutanimate)


Lucas Teles De Carvalho Godoy Sampaio

Is there a way to add a option to use actual cards in deck and simulate the adition of some new cards? I make my own notes, so the cards which I will do as new cards are not yet made. Sorry for my bad English.


Great suggestion, Lucas! Giovanni just implemented this, so it will be available in the next release. And your English is perfectly fine, no worries! :)

Ahsan Khan

Hey Glutanimate, great work on this! Quick question / suggestion: Is there an easy way to export the simulated graphs - either as an image or perhaps export the data as a .csv file of sorts? Certainly the workaround is to just take a screenshot, but having the exported data on hand would be a neat way to incorporate these graphs into other programs (i.e. for personal tracking).