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Heya everyone,

I told you guys that I'd have some surprise projects for you in store. Well, here is one of them! Meet Anki Simulator, an add-on designed to finally answer the age-old question "Are these the right Anki settings for me?"

Anki Simulator is not my own creation, but rather the result of a joint-development effort with its original creator GiovanniHenriksen. After seeing his sneak peek over on Reddit, and thinking back to the Anki simulation script I was still owing you guys, I decided to connect with Giovanni and help him co-develop, tweak, and finalize the add-on.

Thanks to that effort, all of you guys at the add-on aficionado tier and up now get to be the first to try out Anki Simulator for the next few days before it hits AnkiWeb!

Ready to enter the simulation yourselves? Then head over to the latest download post. The demo video above should provide you with a quick feature overview and all the instructions you need to get started.

If you have any suggestions or feedback, please don't hesitate to comment below! Stoked to hear what you think!

And as always: Thanks so much for your support, and for making spontaneous projects like this possible!

Stay healthy and take care

Aristotelis (Glutanimate)

P.S.: I had to move the 2.1 ports I announced last week back a bit to expedite work on this add-on, but they should be ready over the next few days, so stay tuned!


Anki Simulator Demonstration

Major thanks to GiovanniHenriksen for creating Anki Simulator and allowing me to codevelop this release: https://reddit.com/r/medicalschoolanki/comments/fla145/sneak_peek_anki_simulator_add_on/ Make sure to also check out my earlier Patreon Q&A on simulating different exam settings for Anki: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=heo2SGShv2Q Thanks so much to all of my patrons for making creations like this possible. Special shout-out to: David L., Juan B., Lars L., Nadia Y., Pravin V., Reto S., Robert S., Roger R., Roy W., Sebastián O., Tony S. and Victor. You guys (and everyone else over on Patreon) rock! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Follow me on Twitter to stay up-to-date with my latest add-on releases and other Anki news: https://twitter.com/glutanimate



I use Cardistry, which adds its own dynamic new card limits…

Matthew So
