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Hey everyone!

For the gamers among us: I wanted to give you guys a quick heads-up about a silly little new add-on I published on AnkiWeb today, Hitmarkers. It's a gamified take on Visual Feedback that adds a hitmarker effect  to your reviews, similar to the ones you'd find in popular video games (see video above). The idea behind it, as usual, is to make your daily reviews a bit more fun and a bit less of a chore.

Feel free to give it a try and let me know how you feel! Among other things, this was an experiment to see if people would like auditory cues in Anki (or if they might feel they get annoying over time). If you do enjoy the audio side of it, I could  see myself adding optional sound cues to other gamification-type add-ons as well (e.g. barks in Puppy Reinforcement, or zen chimes for Visual Feedback – the possibilities are endless!).

And thanks again for helping test Visual Feedback so diligently. This new add-on would not exist without your help.

Next up tomorrow: The Patreon-exclusive 2.1 release of External Note Editor for the Browser!

Thanks again

– Aristotelis (Glutanimate)


Hitmarkers Anki Add-on Demo

Follow me on Twitter to stay up-to-date with my latest add-on releases and other Anki news: https://twitter.com/glutanimate



Yoo please add visuals to it, I read the Power of Habit and I think this will be really useful


Yo please make the sounds and the visuals customizable