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Hey guys!

This is the follow-up to the earlier announcement post. As mentioned before, this release was all about incorporating your guys' feedback, and adding a bunch of quality of life improvements to the add-on. Thanks so much again for the awesome input, everyone!

Here is the full changelog again, for your convenience:


  • The tooltip position is now fully customizable, both horizontally and vertically (thanks to eotini23 on Patreon for the idea!)
  • Add option to disable tooltips while reviewing cards (thanks to Jamie on Patreon for the idea!)
  • Add option to reset the counter once a new day starts (thanks to p4nix on Patreon for the idea!)


  • Suppress warning on unclosed windows


  • Rewrote notification/tooltip module from scratch, paving the way for the new features listed above, and many more to come!


The installation and other notes are the same as for v1.0.0, so for more information on that please check out the v1.0.0 download post.

I hope you guys will enjoy this update! As always, please let me know in the comments below if have any suggestions for new features or other kinds of improvements!

Thanks again, and best of luck with your studies!

– Aristotelis (Glutanimate)


Houston Reynolds

@glutaminate. I asked you about this problem 4 weeks ago and still have not received a reply.... changing the duration in the config menu does NOT work. Is there a work around? How can i fix this, or will you fix it? Please respond, Thanks.

Annie Bryant

I cant get this to work! Help please!!