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Hey all!

I know I'm a bit behind schedule as far as far my roadmap for last month is concerned, and I wanted to start by apologizing for that. Unfortunately real life has the habit of getting in the way of things, and that meant that I had a lot less time to my disposal last month than I anticipated. This forced me to shift things around a bit and prioritize dev work that couldn't wait.

In this case this was mostly under-the-hood work on Anki's code base (27 contributions and several hundred lines of code in total!) – super important changes to improve Anki's add-on system, but unfortunately not as shiny and presentable (Though I'd love to dive more into the dev side of things on these changes – perhaps in a future blog post!).

However, I do have one goodie to share with you guys today: A shiny new update to Puppy Reinforcement that includes all sorts of new features and improvements based on your guys' awesome feedback:

Changes in Puppy Reinforcement v1.1.0-beta.1


  • The tooltip position is now fully customizable, both horizontally and vertically (thanks to eotini23 on Patreon for the idea!)
  • Add option to disable tooltips while reviewing cards (thanks to Jamie on Patreon for the idea!)
  • Add option to reset the counter once a new day starts (thanks to p4nix on Patreon for the idea!)


  • Suppress warning on unclosed windows


  • Rewrote notification/tooltip module from scratch, paving the way for the new features listed above, and many more to come!

If you're pledged at the add-on aficionado tier or higher, you can head right on to the >>> download post <<< to give the new release a try (link should be coming up in a second)! Super excited about your feedback!


Later today I will also be releasing the previous release of Puppy Reinforcement – the one that you guys so diligently tested over the past month (v1.0.0) – on AnkiWeb. Thanks to your guys' support, everyone now gets to add a bit more puppy goodness to their Anki reviews!

With v1.1.0 I'm planning on following the same release scheme where it will remain a Patreon-exclusive for a bit before being released on AnkiWeb (at which point you guys will once again have the chance to be the first testing out the next, even more feature-packed release!).

As far as the other February roadmap releases are concerned, I hope to follow up on that over the next couple of weeks.

Thanks so much again for your guys' support & patience, and for making Anki a happier place for all!

– Aristotelis (Glutanimate)

P.S.: Sorry again if I missed any of your guys' messages. Currently trying to work through my backlog!



Houston Reynolds

Hi Glutanimate, I cannot change the duration the images are displayed for using the anki add on menu config option. is there a work around for this?