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Hey everyone!

Is it just me or has January been a pretty rough start into 2020, world-news-wise? I think it's time to sweeten this decade up a bit with some Anki add-on goodness. Here's what's in store for my Patreon in February 2020 (with a quick outlook at March)!

February 2020 Roadmap

Starting early next week, Puppy Reinforcement will meet its much requested debut on Anki 2.1 with the release of v1.0.0 (see related gif above 🐶). In addition to 2.1 support, this release will boast some nifty new features, like support for puppies popping up during the card creation process, and also a large number of quality-of-life improvements.

Later into the month, BetterTags v1.1.0 will be joining the fray, implementing new features and bug fixes based on you guys' incredible feedback over the past couple of weeks.

February 2020 will also see the release of a number of additional Anki 2.1 ports, including:

External Note Editor for the Browser

Ctrl+F Search 

Find and Replace in the Note Editor 

March 2020 Preview

This is a bit further into the future, so the exact timeline might still change, but my general plans are:

1. Completing the Advanced Previewer port for Anki 2.1

2. Publishing a new major release of 🎮 AnJoy. Your guys' support has allowed me to build up quite a test array of gamepads and controllers, so expect this release to be a good one!

(and I have even more controllers on the way – all selected based on how popular they are among you guys!)

3. Last, I'd like to complete as many of the remaining Anki 2.1 ports as I can (e.g. with add-ons like More Answer Buttons for New Cards).

And of course, depending on how much time I have left over, I might have some more surprises for you in store!

In Summary

Lots of Anki add-on goodness coming your way in February and March, all made possible by your guys' incredible support over the last few months!

Thanks again, and keep being awesome!

– Aristotelis (Glutanimate)



Oscar Reyes

How would your puppy reinforcement arson affect addons such as anki killstreak?


As it stands, the pop-ups by both add-ons will likely be on top of each other (because kill streaks uses some of puppy reinforcement's anki 2.0 code and places its notifications in the same spot as the puppies). But I'm sure something could be worked out where the notifications don't overlap each other.

Bernardo Senseve

Very glad that Advanced Previewer new version might come out soon! Really love this addon! Thanks, Glutanimate!