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We're all Anki enthusiasts here, but be honest: Wouldn't you love to study your flashcards without having to deal with those tedious reviews? Well, thanks to the newest addition to the Anki add-on ecosystem that might finally be possible!

Introducing MemoBeam, the Anki add-on that does the memorizing for you. Grab it on AnkiWeb today! 



Ahmad Harb

Hey Glutaminate thank you for all the work that you do ! Will you be releasing the reviews simulation python script that you showed in the Effective Exam Preparation video ?


Hi Ahmad! Thank you for your support! I'm definitely planning on releasing the script. My main concern with it is that I wasn't able to find a way to make it performant enough when running on a web service like repl.it (being able to run it through a web browser would be important, as I feel most users won't know how to / won't want to set up a Python environment themselves). So I'm now looking at porting the code to JavaScript and hosting it on the web myself.

Felipe Dircêu

Hey, Glutanimate! Your work is changing our lives... Ksksks Do you intend to do something for the AnkiDroid? I saw your comment in the Reddit about the Anki Doodle (a kind of basic Image Occlusion for AnkiDroid). I am hopeful that you will engage in the enhancement of AnkiDroid! S2


Hi Felipe! Thanks for your kind words! I don't have any concrete plans for now, but I've dabbled with Android programming in the past (and contributed a small change to AnkiDroid), so it's definitely something I'd like to dive into further in the future.