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Hey guys!

With April coming into its strides it's high-time for yet another monthly recap!

But first things first: Thank you all of you for the amazing support over the past couple of months! We've recently hit our third major funding goal, and that's absolutely incredible. I honestly never expected this campaign to take off as much as it did. You guys truly are the best!

Outstanding messages

So as some of you might have noticed I haven't been as responsive over the past couple of weeks as I was towards the beginning of March. My apologies for that, especially to those of you who sent me messages and whom I haven't gotten back to, yet. There were two major reasons why I wasn't as active: 1.) I had some health things to deal with, and 2.) my spring semester has just begun. While these are still going on, I am trying to slowly catch back up to things. So if you wrote to me at any point, please rest assured that I'll get back to you, even if it does take some time!

Spell Checker Updates

My main focus this month has been on finalizing the Spell Checker Add-on. A new beta release based on you guys' helpful feedback is coming up this weekend, so stay tuned for that! I will also be releasing the first series of custom spelling dictionaries shortly after that, so these squiggly lines under your medical terms should be a thing of the past soon!

Pop-up Dictionary

I will be writing more about this soon, but this is one of the add-ons I'm most excited about finally releasing properly. Thanks again to all of you voted on the naming poll a few weeks back! The winning vote went towards "Pop-up", so that's what I decided to go with.

For those of you unfamiliar with what Pop-up Dictionary does: It's an extension to the card reviewer that allows you to quickly draw up related facts from your collection, which can help you build connections between your flashcards:

Now, a very early version of the add-on had been circulating the web for quite a few months now, but this March finally marked its first official beta release. You can try it out right now on AnkiWeb!

Note: I usually launch betas as Patreon-exclusives, but because this early version of Pop-up Dictionary had already been circulating the web for a good few months now (since before this Patreon took off), I didn't really see a point in limiting access to it. Rest assured that you'll be the first to get access to the new and improved stable release of the add-on once it's ready!

Anki 2.1 Ports

Cloze Overlapper is pretty mature at this point, but still needs some major changes to its template system. It's important that these happen before the public 2.1 release in order to avoid major headaches down the line. Unfortunately this does mean that it will take a bit still to finish the port. However, the work on the template system will also easily translate to Image Occlusion Enhanced, which has been sitting in alpha state for way too long now.

On the Review Heatmap front I'm being held back by a series of sporadic date and timezone bugs that have turned out to be surprisingly difficult to track down. The add-on is very stable otherwise, but I'd rather fix these issues before pushing out a stable reason.

On the upside of things: The Anki 2.1 ports of the Puppy Reinforcement and Visual Feedback, which you guys overwhelmingly requested in the poll a few months ago, should be coming out this month!


  • 1.) New Spell Checker release this weekend
  • 2.) Custom spelling dictionaries coming this month
  • 3.) Official Pop-up dictionary beta is out
  • 4.) The 2.1 ports of Cloze Overlapper, Review Heatmap still need some major work to mature
  • 5.) Puppy Reinforcement and Visual Feedback will be coming out for Anki 2.1 this month!

Alright, I think that's all for now, or is it?... :)

Thanks again for all your support, everyone. I can't say enough how much I appreciate it <3.

– Glutanimate


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