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Heya everyone!

Let me start off by apologizing for the radio silence over the past couple of months. Dealing with the courses of this semester and my Anki projects at the same time has been very tough, so something had to give – and that something unfortunately ended up being my communication with you guys. I am truly sorry about that!

I've been working on improving this situation, and one of the results of that effort has been @AnkiUpdates, a Twitter account where I will posting update notifications with neatly formatted changelogs for all of my public add-ons. The cool thing about this account is that it hooks directly into my add-on building infrastructure, allowing me to keep you updated while also maximizing the time spent on coding.

To clarify: I will continue posting about major updates and new add-ons through my main Twitter account as well, but if you want to stay up-to-speed with all the latest and greatest in the Anki add-on world, @AnkiUpdates now provides that ability!

So all of this is fine and dandy, but what about Anki add-ons? Well, while I haven't been as communicative as I wanted to be, this is not to mean that my Anki projects have been idling by. Quite the opposite actually! 

There are a lot of things I have been working on, but the one I want to share with you today is AnJoy, a brand new add-on that brings native gamepad support to Anki! Make sure to check out the video above for a sneak peek at what the add-on does and all of the innovative features that it brings to the table, compared to existing third-party tools.

As for the rest of things I've been working on: More info on that will follow in the development recap for May/June 2019. So make sure to stay tuned!

With all of that said: Thank you so much again for your overwhelming support and patience over the past couple of months! It's truly been amazing, and I feel incredibly lucky to have all of you guys supporting my work and making all of these things possible. Thank you!

– Glutanimate


Patreon Exclusive: Development Update & AnJoy Preview

Thanks again for all of your support, guys! I really appreciate it!! 0:00 – General dev update 1:10 – AnJoy intro 3:40 – AnJoy in action Get access to this and more Patreon-exclusive content here: https://www.patreon.com/glutanimate ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Follow me on Twitter to stay up-to-date with my latest add-on releases and other Anki news: https://twitter.com/glutanimate Got an idea for an add-on or new feature? I'm always happy for add-on commissions. If you'd like to hire my services please feel free to reach out to me through ankiglutanimate [αt] gmail . com.


Jacob King

Any update on this you said 1-2 weeks from when it was posted?


Sorry about the delay, guys. I wanted to make sure to improve on controller compatibility, but as there are a myriad different variations of controller setups out there, things became complicated very fast. But I will make sure to post a release before the end of the month, even if it's not 100% perfect in terms of controller compatibility.

Benjamin Finch (edited)

Comment edits

2023-01-22 23:24:52 Any updates on Anjoy & making it possible to map keyboard buttons to keys?
2020-11-23 20:25:15 Any updates on Anjoy & making it possible to map keyboard buttons to keys?

Any updates on Anjoy & making it possible to map keyboard buttons to keys?