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I haven't been doing as much idle sketching this month since I've been working on these so I wanted to give a little bit more of a WIP grab bag of what's on my desk.

I'm tasking myself with updating a few pieces from the past couple years for this show at the end of the month. While this group show is about erotic art, they want things to stay away from anything as explicit as penetration.

That's not necessarily a hard thing for me because I tend to make things that are about the tease anyways a lot of the time, but I don't want to just fall back on just cheeky pinups, I'd like them to have a bit of heat even if I can't show anything.

1-2: You may remember the witch with the bookstand from a spread I did last October, I'm expanding that illustration a bit to include some friends :)

3: I was having a go at using a really tropical palette, and while I like parts of this, it feels like it's lacking something and I'm stumped, so I'm leaving it for last.

4: I also want to update this scifi illustration I did for #Hardcover3 and do something with a bit of a tropical vibe, though I'm not sold on the direction I have in this sketch. I think I need to make it simpler to feel at home with the pink and gray blowjob piece from last week.

5: A new opening page for Libby & Holly. Half completed before I was called to other things this week. Busy month so far. 😩

Overall I want to keep the pieces for the show feeling connected to each other so I'm going to play with keeping one color from each carried to the next, so they feel a little connected even tho the subject matter is all over the place.





I love the sci-fi panel!


i keep returning back to the prickly pear wip, sheesh the posing is so good on that one, such a really sweet intimacy portrayed in it