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You creep silently forward into the great chamber, clinging to shadows before hurrying to safety in a small arch under the dragon’s tail, which twitches slightly but does not move further. The din of the enormous, distracted beasts echoes around the chamber as you spot your prize.

A stream of molten liquid sizzles its way down a sloping pile of gold nearby, creating a smokescreen accompanied by the smell of fifty blacksmith’s furnaces. You are sweating freely in the stifling heat.

Out of all the treasures, you seek the spoils of wars fought with enchantment and won by treachery. You immediately recognize the most valuable because they have names you know from legends and tales in reverent and often fearful whispers.

The smokescreen will not last and your presence may be discovered if you linger much longer. There's no danger that has yet proven a match for your greed. The only question in your mind is how much you can take.
Your hands reach for...
(Multiple votes allowed so you can try to be greedy ;)



shoutout to the lighting in this story. Like wow!


Thank you Ty! It's one of those projects that started real simple and it's been slowly getting more complicated over time lol.


Say, is there a tag that you used for all posts regarding this story so I can read the parts easily one after another? 🤔 I tried The Orc and the Tower and CYOA but both only show some of the posts unfortunately. I love this story a lot, it's a lot of fun 💖




🙏🏻 Thank you for bringing this up Fuya, it's so helpful because I often miss these things by accident. I collected the posts so they should all show up under "The Orc and the Tower tag" The OTHER thing I should mention more is that I've been trying to take better care of my website lately, so if you ever want to read it or share it, I collected it over here in a more easy-to read format: https://www.wintonkidd.com/cyoa-the-orc-and-the-tower


I love the fact that my patrons are sweet, kind and good people, and can also roleplay as unabashedly greedy devils when it comes to fantasy treasure lol 💗


Thank you for taking care of it! And thanks for mentioning your website; tbh I sometimes forget that some people actually still have them next to Patreon and social media 😅 I'll head right over there!


I know! It does feel pretty rare, and it's kinda a hassle. Unstable social media platforms have made me scared enough to keep it up though 😅


It's definitely worth it and I have it bookmarked now 😁

Liam Harvey

The names in these are great. I was going to vite by what looked coolest, but the names hinting where things could go…difficult choices!