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I've been working on this one over the course of the past week and I think I'm mostly done so I'm sharing it now. I might tweak the colors some going forward but I think detail wise it's got more than enough, maybe too much.

For that reason I've done a lot of crops to show some of the little bits and pieces close up.

The idea was to make as many interlocking and suggestive gestures as possible between the figures haha. Mostly I'm just proud of coming up with an excuse to kinda mirror the girldick shadow with a cats tail on the kneeling figure 😂

Happy Monday!





God i love witches

Bowie Twombly

Wow. You continue to amaze me and outdo yourself at every turn. The attention to detail is incredible. It’s so rewarding to trace each limb out to the end of it’s gesture and have it fit into the composition in such a purposeful and meaningful, not to mention clever, way. Using the way illustrations flatten 3D space to two to impose objects at different depth like they’re touching while still looking like real 3D space WHILE being a completely 2D creation shows a real mastery over your medium. And to never lose sight of making a clearly readable and visually enjoyable illustration while putting in so many technical bits is potentially the most impressive part of the whole thing. 👏👏👏👏👏

Jo Nothing

WOW! The composition, the color palette, the figures. They're all superb! Good work!


What exactly is the barefoot brunette doing? Is she flying?


Wow that is phenomenal




Phenomenal Win~! The lighting is so warm and ambient~!


thank you for today's update, motivational


this is so incredible

Liam Harvey

Absolutely gorgeous work


God the lighting and shadow work on this is just gorgeous, incredible work


oh i LOVE the composition of this so much!

John Storm

Hi, in this wonderful compilation, who wouldn't want to be a cat 😘

Liam Harvey

Looking at this again, and love the composition. Everyones holding reaching or suggesting touching each other from our ciew but in their space theyre not is just really impressive.


This would go crazy as a print or something! Love it!


I like to imagine they're just kinda constantly getting in the way, like cats do :)


🥺 thank you Liam!!🙏🏻 I think composition is one of the chief ways that artists get to be playful or clever because you can create pictures that kinda flip flop between our reality and that of the picture. Art is magical 😌


Thank you Bob!! I think I'll release it as a print!! I kinda struggle with prints because I never feel particularly good and making print type images that just have that punch. It seems like something some folks just have a knack for


Lord this is fantastic!