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I've been real lacking on posts so far this month as I am rushing to complete a couple deadlines this week while some foundation work is being done on my house and it's kinda chaos.

I should have done a better job of communicating that things might be a little crunched at the beginning of this month and I will strive to make up for the slow start.

The good news is it should all be resolved by next week and I'll be back to much more frequent posting 🙏 thank you for your patience, I'll be back to you with good things next week! ♥️



Bowie Twombly

Don't push yourself to reach for some perceived "correct" amount of content, especially if doing so will burn you out. Neither life nor our productivity is ever exactly the same, so there's no point trying to aspire to it.

Grace Kieser

You post more than some Patreons I've supported! At the very least you always seem to get a monthly update out, so I wouldn't get too stressed out about it


It’s cool man take your time


Thanks Grant, there's always a little frustrating gap between what we do and what we'd like to do 😩♥️ I really appreciate your support, buddy!