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I'll decide on a name for her eventually 😅 I always marvel at artists that seem to pull OC's complete with names, histories and the lot out of thin air. I've never been able to quite do that. It almost seems like they know the person before they start to draw them. 

Anyways, I think she needs more tattoos.



Aristotle Fellatrix

I love it and I think a good name might be "Snowy" because of the white hair upstairs and downstairs 😃


Late to the party but I just want to throw in that maybe other artist don't actually pull characters out of thin air - it might be a character they've been fleshing out for a while already, or at least a concept that they thought about for longer. I don't believe in "being kissed by a muse" and then proceeding to make flawless art without overhauling it multiple times. That's just not how things work imo. Anyhow, love the design still, and I'm happy to see that Aster came into existence 😊