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I've been enjoying this gold tone for drawing on lately, and I think some of these might merit getting a little bit more polish and taking them out of the sketch context. 

The perspective of Holly and Libby in the top right is a liiiiiittle goofy but I think it needs more things in the environment around it to  communicate a sort of fisheye sense like Kim Jung Gi pulls off.

I really like the context of an office for erotic scenarios for some reason. I think that's another element that's appealling about doing a comic set in a library, it's a pseudo-professional environment with a lot of structure and rules, but it's also the kind of place anyone can feel comfortable or bored or horny. 😂

Thanks for reading and I hope you're having a great Friday ♥




Ffff, Winton I'm trying to work today 😩🔥 How am I supposed to focus when you keep posting distracting artwork??


I think the fish eye perspective comes across perfectly. Literally my first thought was "this one has some Kim Jung Gi qualities"