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The moldering tome's instructions for the spell were inscrutable at times, but she felt more confident on her third attempt.

♥ Happy Monday everyone! I had a real, real long weekend but it was kinda rejuvenating--spent some time in the sun and didn't really work. Which means that I'm no further on Gibson Girl pages, but this week looks a whole lot better than last week for progress on that front. Thank you for your patience and support!

I hope you don't mind my sudden diversion into witchy territory

♥ Wint




Don't mind it one bit! I'd love to see a comic about witches getting up to no good using magic actually! Absolutely love all of your pieces, could never be mad at you gifting us with updates.


…witchy territory is always a plus in my book 🤗


Who would say no to more of your witches? Not me for sure :D


Take all the time you need, it's wonderful that you had a nice weekend! I love the witchy picture as well, you strike a fantastic balance of detailing and lighting that elevates it from a sketch but retains that sketchy sort of quality and style. Wonderful job!


Ooo I love this so much!


Thank you Anastasia!! I'm definitely working to find a balance that works for sketches. It's really satisfying when everything works and you can express an idea quickly with just a few colors.


Omg I love this 😍🤤 Why would we mind!?? 🦇🧹💦


Third time’s the absolute charm ~ ♥︎ (Glad you had a nice break! Comic-making is indeed a demanding job~)


❤️ thanks Pan❤️🍞! I know you understand all too well 😩 I'm hoping that in future months I am able to do less illustration work and more comics because all the stop and start of client work is driving me nuts!


this is so good, Winton


Never a wrong time for witches. Glad you had a relaxing weekend!

Molly Skyfire

As a trans witch girl, I can confirm the accuracy of this illustration.