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Thank you for being so patient about new stuff this month, everyone. I feel like I'm getting over a huge hurdle and things are coming a little bit easier.

I have no love of burnout  and I try not to be too self critical about my work because I don't think it actually improves it that much, just makes me feel discouraged from making more, which I know is the fastest way to improve the work in fact.

Sometimes I think we go through "seasons" of work where we can be more patient, analytical, experimental, free, focused and everything in between. Whatever season I find myself in, the best thing I can do to lead a more happy, creatively productive life is to align my current projects and goals with that season so I can keep working toward what I want to, but not fight the current so to speak.

I think after finishing a long project I'm moving into more of a self indulgent experimental phase. I keep thinking that all I want to do is draw the easiest things possible, like Nintendo characters, and simplify my drawing style for a bit so I don't agonize over details as much. I think in the future you're going to be seeing some more simple palettes, round, cartoonish forms and scribbly mark making. That feels like the best way to be able to keep making things for the time being.

Thanks for reading this if you got this far! 

The tl;dr version is: October was really long for me and I'm gonna tighten the reins creatively and make simpler things I know for a while until I feel like expanding my horizons again.

<3 W.



Bowie Twombly

Your art is beautiful in every form, and I hope there isn't a single person here who cares more about your output than your well-being. We are absolutely cyclical beings, as we are a reflection of the cyclical world around us. Take your time and do what feels right. I'm sure we will love it. Also, as a trans woman, thank you so much for your constant inclusion in your art. Your characters always feel so lovingly presented, it never feels like they are simply fetishized objects. To see people who look like me given such care and representation by my favorite artist is incredibly validating, and how much I love them makes it that much easier to love myself. ❤️


♥♥♥♥♥ Thank you so much for saying this, I always have a little pang of insecurity when drawing people who have different bodies than me since I know there's at least the potential of objectification in every image. I feel like drawing is my way of celebrating bodies, so it means a lot to me when I hear that it comes through! Thanks for your support, Bowie ♥


Beautiful work, as usual! Health and life 1st, do whatever is best for you! I'm here to support, not to get stuff from you! It'll be fantastic to see what you do no matter what!


Love it! This came out as well as I hoped from the WIP. And no worries about your output in quantity or style. Take it easy as you need.


As you said, don't be so hard on yourself. This is just life. And I'm glad to be here to witness your growth and work! An honor that you allow us to share that with you!