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Don't normally have to deal with too much burnout since I try to keep an even amount of work on a plate but it seems like September/October got the better of me. My apologies that there hasn't been much content this month. But here's a sketchy witch and a work in progress witch :)

My usually recipe for getting out of art block and burnout is to reduce the complexity of what I'm trying to do and find a simple theme and color palette that can't really go wrong. I've been wanting to do some witchy drawings (in addition the fanart pieces we've been talking about) so I think I'll play with this really early palette for a bit and see where it gets me, just drawing as many simple witchy pinups as I can think of--emphasis on silly character designs.  :)

Thanks for all your patience and support, everyone! I'm looking forward to having more to share this week, I feel like I'm rounding a bend at last! 🎃 And the change of weather is always inspiring!






wow i love witch 2!!!


ah these are great!


Love that WIP. Looking forward to seeing it complete.


It's okay to slow down a bit sometimes, we're not printers ! Take good care of yourself ;)


Ohh :o Love them!!! And no worries, health 1st!!


love it