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So I am still working on some Ivy & Pine but I took a like 45 minute diversion to do some real low frame rate animation for fun!




Hopefully you clean it up & add a couple more frames.


Yeah these little animation tests kinda just things to make sure my animation muscles don't completely atrophy, haha. 1 It would be pretty fun to see if I could string together a short narrative of limited animation shots like this tho! I can dream anyways :)

Bowie Twombly

What a masterclass in Less is More. Absolutely love it. Your aesthetic is so perfect for Velma


Hehe. I was admiring the kinda low frame animation you see in a anime end title sequence. They're always so good! 💙


A) great sketches, seems like the perfect "work to take a break from work" with (ha), and B) this strongly evoked a totally random scene in season 2 of Twin Peaks where two characters are reminiscing about their childhood babysitter dancing with a flashlight on a hook rug (though that was just choppy 90s video effect and this test animation is rad).

Bud Chudley

Dance dance dance dance dance to the radio Great animation there!


super cute


A) I don't know how the work to avoid work logic works but it...works. And B) I had to look up this extremely specific reference because I've not seen that much of the show and you are extremely not wrong! Certainly less erotic but the hair and jitteriness-- It's very strangely similar! 😮


Ahhhh I’m such a fan of this!!