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A kind patron let me know that I should really be making new posts for comic updates because patreon won't push old updated posts to the top of the feed! 😬 

Sorry if this has inconvenienced anyone, I want to make sure you get notified when the content you are supporting is released, rather than having to catch it on twitter or email. 

Ultimately this probably won't change the way I post on patreon too much since I tend to work in little concentrated bursts anyways, but I want to know how you all like to access the content here. I have the library of comics as a pinned post, but maybe I could be better about tagging content so it's easier to browse? 

This might not be an issue for a lot of you if you're primarily accessing content through emails, but let me know if you have any suggestions on how I could make it easier to find things and I'll do what I can to accommodate it in the future.

I'm not above learning from other artists either-- if you know of a patreon who does this particularly well, let me know  and I'll become a patron too to learn from them 😁 





I mean, if you're looking for other artist Patreons, I'd have to recommend Soushiyo, as it's on his Discord that I rediscovered your work after the great Tumblr Purge.


These two are so cute! 😍❤❤❤❤❤


I definitely like the idea of having new posts for updates to the comics! You are correct that Patreon does not put updated posts to the top of the feed, so that’s a bummer. 😅 I usually end up scrolling through trying to find which post was actually updated. I’m sure new posts and tagging — like you mentioned — would be great solutions!


I will strive to save you some trouble in the future then! :) Thanks for being patient🙏🏻


Soooo gooood!!!!