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Happy July Everyone! Hope you all had a pleasant June. I personally, am happy to have it behind me--it was a really long month for my work obligations and I usually find a lot of new inspiration in the summer when I'm actually able to get away from my desk and draw some things.

Time for a little recap!

I'll be uploading pages 21-22 in rough color for Ivy & Pine in a little bit as I was able to put some time in on those over the past couple days. That makes this month's contribution another 8 pages (if only in b/w)! I'm glad my schedule lightened up over the past week to make time/room for that to happen. 

I got around to drawing a bunch of little fanart things this month which were A) a great diversion and B) a fun way for me to get comfortable in CSP and use the timelapse feature! There will be 7 timelapses in this month's dropbox collection!

A bunch of personal for fun/experimental sketches happened too. Partially using the new textures, partially just to let off steam after getting my other work done!

Also included in this month's dropbox collection are a bunch of scans of acetate transfer textrues I picked up at the art store which if you're making your own art maybe you'll find use for! Please let me know if you use them cuz I wanna see! 

Part of playing with CSP made me realize how much I kinda love my photoshop brushes tho, so in addition to sketching in CSP I made some sketches in photoshop. There's something so subtle about the pressure settings between the two programs that I can't even define it...but they're different.

Thank you all for supporting my work this month ♥ I hope you enjoyed watching the work happen! Also, thanks for folks that offered suggestions on how to improve the updating of through the feed. 

I might experiment with only posting updated pages in groups instead of reposting all the pages every time. What do y'all think?

Have a great Thursday! ♥





Super grateful you’re including those textures in the Dropbox. I love that type of detailing but have trouble finding them; it’ll be interesting to mess around with them! Lovely update as always, Winton!


Please share your results! I just included the raw scans but with a little bit of levels adjustment they make some great masks!