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Anyone else been sneezing? Happy Wednesday! <3



Metal Gear Ray

Winton this is really cute!


Thanks buddy!!💖 Sometimes I just need to draw something that's pure summer to me. It's soothing.


My allergies have been driving me crazy, but now my eyes are watering because she's just so damn cute!


is this a serious question? Because I literally just setup an air purifier in my house yesterday I was so miserable.😅 You've created the only pollen I can enjoy.👌🏽

Sheepish shepard

Hey I gotta ask, where did you get that border for your piece. I love it


Hehe so i was trying to figure out how everyone got sexy screentone textures on their art and so I just ordered some Deleter brand manga screentone sheets from Japan and scanned them. 😅 I'm sure there's a faster way but this is my way. Plus you get border! I highly recommend trying them if you like the texture, they're really interesting to use on physical media


This is so good ;-;

Molly Skyfire

Bruuuuuuuh I adore what you did with the scanned-in screentone!! I get major Elvgren vibes from this one in terms of the pose - it's very "good girl' and I really enjoy that!