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Happy Sunday all, hope you're having a lovely weekend! 🥃 Now there's a proper duo :)




You're art is just so attractive


super cute set

Metal Gear Ray

You're style is so cute winton!


What a blessed day it is ~ ♥︎


That's just how they greet each other before hiking (great work Winton!)


Hehehe you are so right. It was sunny and 75 today. I drew this while sipping whiskey, it was a beautiful thing.


Maybe this leads into that piece you did with them on the stone steps



Joe Zuniga

I really love these two and on this style! Do I smell prints? Or a book collecting so much of the awesome work you create?


It truly feels like that's an inevitability, I'm always surprised by how much time that stuff takes though, so I'm going to start small like always and do little prints first, probably and then hopefully in the future there's the possibility of something really fun like a book! 😮

Molly Skyfire

Mr. Kidd, this is marvelous. I really appreciate how you turned it into a little diptych. Re: all the talk about prints - you might try getting in contact with local print shops, find out if they are amenable to adult-oriented artwork. A lot of the bigger internet-facing companies exclude it as a general rule, but indie shops in your area have a better chance. My buddy Coey Kuhn has printed his smut books and prints that way, a printer in his town does it and they do fantastic work. Failing that, I can heartily recommend getting an eight-color printer like Canon Pixma Pro-100. I do one-off prints with that and the quality is *supurb*. The official ink is expensive but there are one or two third-party ink suppliers that are much more affordable and so far I have had zero issues using those inks. Hope all that helps!!

Molly Skyfire (edited)

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2021-07-29 03:52:47 Also, for you more "artistic nude" and pinup looking stuff, I'd like to gently encourage you to consider making stickers. Stickerapp.com is super affordable and high-quality. <3
2021-04-26 15:01:31 Also, for you more "artistic nude" and pinup looking stuff, I'd like to gently encourage you to consider making stickers. Stickerapp.com is super affordable and high-quality. <3

Also, for you more "artistic nude" and pinup looking stuff, I'd like to gently encourage you to consider making stickers. Stickerapp.com is super affordable and high-quality. <3


Thank you very very much for these suggestions! I know a local riso printer, but they're a little pricey, maybe I'll just have to start sending those emails, because I don't know too many local printers. I've looked at that exact Canon printer before! I would love to be able to print archival stuff. I do really like INPRNT for their quality, but i would have you make sure everything is an "artistic nude" in that case because I don't think they go for full nsfw. I really would like to try more playing around with diecut stickers so I'll be checking those out as well 💖 thanks for all the recommendations!

Molly Skyfire (edited)

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2023-03-30 17:30:40 No problem dude! Yeah, they're all major investments no matter what you do. I tell y'whut, tho, if you would like I could print something off for you on my Pixma &amp; send it your way so you can check it out and see if it's up to snuff for you. Nothing like hands on data!
2021-04-26 19:28:01 No problem dude! Yeah, they're all major investments no matter what you do. I tell y'whut, tho, if you would like I could print something off for you on my Pixma & send it your way so you can check it out and see if it's up to snuff for you. Nothing like hands on data!

No problem dude! Yeah, they're all major investments no matter what you do. I tell y'whut, tho, if you would like I could print something off for you on my Pixma & send it your way so you can check it out and see if it's up to snuff for you. Nothing like hands on data!


Ooh okay, when I'm at the stage of fully getting into prints I would love that! 👌