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03/28/21 Update! I'm up to 14 pages of roughs. I think I'll ink this batch for a bit while I finesse the rest, I might need some of your input and contributions going beyond that point. :) I can only ever go so long just scribbling roughs before I want to start seeing this with clean lines and I think I've hit that point.

I'm describing Pine's personality to myself as kinda an assertive goofball. Hopefully I can help that come across more as I clean things up.


Happy Monday everyone! I'm getting pages down at last. I have about 14 pages roughed out so far and I'll be able to start moving pretty quickly now. 

Since getting momentum on a project is all about building confidence in a project for me, one thing I'll probably do next is do some sort of pinup that kinda sorts out the color palette for the comic. I plan to do more complicated page layouts and more environment locations, but a simpler color palette for this one. I feel really comfortable with organic environments though because you tend to notice the inconsistencies less since they don't have such rigid geometry. :)

I hope you all enjoy this comic. Ivy has turned into less of a bird-watcher as I initially billed her and more of a completionist. A little bit of a critique of my own personality at it's worst, haha. Goal-oriented and unable to stop and smell the roses. In truth I tend to begrudgingly take vacations and then always walk away feeling super inspired and refreshed. I think she'll have a similar experience in the woods.

Thanks as always for supporting my work and I hope you enjoy seeing this new comic take shape. <3





Looks like a bit of a tumble.


Can't wait!


Update: ooo, this looks like it will be a lot of fun!