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Complete!! Thanks for your patience on this one! I decided to inject a little bit of George Petty fanart into it. It's not nearly so angular as a Petty pinup, but I've always loved how minimal his compositions are. Hope you enjoy! <3 W.

03/24 WIP update-- I decided to use the Red sketch from last month as a way to study the way of master animate titty painters, whose skills I covet greatly. Also just to admire Jen Zee's unbelievable abilities, what a rockstar she is.
Anyways, happy Wednesday. <3 Comic updates are coming, I promise :)




This sketch was what got me to finally play through Transistor, so seeing it colored is a great way to put a button on that story.


Ahhhh! Great!! It is on my to-play list currently. I always feel guilty making fanart of something I haven't experienced first, but I did just watch that long No Clip documentary about Hades/ Supergiant, so I feel more close to them, lol


The bae 😍❤❤❤❤❤❤


Great stuff!


Oh man! I love how it looks with the Transistor. I bet Mr. Nobody is excited about it's positioning as well...


😄 that was a bit of a later addition, I thought it would help balance out the composition a bit and give her something to touch. Thank you Sparrow!!!


Looove how this came out. The colours are so vibrant.

Metal Gear Ray

Really love the classy pin-up theme of the art!


winton you better stop or you’re going to run out of content for me to potentially commission you for. she was next on the list!


Wonderful stuff!