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I had a bunch of disconnected sketches, was kinda frustrated with how I hadn't been able to figure out a a satisfying composition for one Korra & Asami piece last month. So I decided to see how quickly I could cobble together a couple of drawings in sequence real quick out of all the pieces. Hope you enjoy. :)

I need to remember to do more fast and loose comics like this, they're pretty fun because I get to just chill out when I know I'm not trying to make anything perfect or elegant, just put things down quick and dirty.

I think I'm going to toss this up on twitter also, because I've been wondering how I could more regularly make comics that I don't charge for, and I think this kinda thing is perfect. It's not as refined as the comics you all help fund, but it's still images in sequence.

<3 W.



Gardner Underhill

Asami gets to demonstrate her clit bending powers.

Metal Gear Ray

That fire bender knows how to make things steamy "hot" But seriously this is fun you should make more like this winton


I'm in love! I can just hear Korra saying, "Pull over. Now." And Asami instantly knowing what's up.


I think I will! I'm happiest at my work when I don't take it too seriously and this kinda sketchy loose quality allows me to do that! Thanks Ray!


Thank YOU! I made a suggestion for a single Korrasami pinup, and you've blessed us all!


I would not complain if you ever made Korrasami comics any time in the future. I love the way you draw their expressions (really, in general, I just love how you draw expressions). 💖


"Quick and Dirty" by Winton Kidd. love it


This is very cute and lovely, can always use more of them like this. Great work!