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Edit 11/29/20 I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving if you're in the U.S.! I got to enjoy some NEEDED downtime and even got into sketching a bit more in preparation Poppy X Oak!


EDIT 11/20/20: I've added another couple of sketches plus a little bit of a process evolution on the Dryad designs. I had been struggling with finding a balance of how monstrous/mythological to make the Dryads and I realized after trying to do some alternate designs that I had just made some ladies with pinecones in their hair. 

I didn't want to complicate the designs too much because that would just make every page harder to draw, but I did want to add more interest, so shifting the skintones to something greener and giving them each a tree type helped a lot.


I think I should be able to begin making progress on this comic after all this month! Thankfully my schedule has lightened slightly and I am very nearly finished with some of my freelance projects. 

Process talk:

I can feel myself getting over-thinking the hiker project, and when that happens it's time to just blindly forge ahead and make something. :) I always get trapped in the design process, and I can tell I'm spending too much time on the Dryad problem. So, later this week I plan to have a Dryad, a color palette and a bit of an idea on the look of the comic so I can start drawing pages by next week! No more delays!

Thanks for your patience, all. <3 W.
