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Thanks everyone for your support over the last month and for your patience in waiting for me to put up the dropbox DMs--they'll be going out as soon as I finish typing this!

Don't know about y'all but October was by far the most difficult month of this year for me.  I feel like I was barely squeaking by for most of it, so I just want to let you know that if I get to the midpoint of this month and I haven't overcome my freelance deadlines and am able to breath normally again I might be issuing a refund on this month to go on pause again.

My sincere hope is that I get over the hump and can start doing this fun work again but for now I am BURIED. Rest assured I won't disrespect your patronage. <3

Hope you all have a lovely week!





do not issue a refund I am just happy to support you!!!

Joe Crawford

No refund. Do the self care you need! Take care.

Molly Skyfire

No refund. We're supporting you, not subscribing for a nameless service. Take care of yourself.

Metal Gear Ray

Hey no need my dude, my support is with you, take care of yourself that's important


Aww thanks Joe, it's much appreciated. Fortunately this work is a form of self care, it'll be a very rewarding escape once I get over the freelance hump


Hey man, I'm here for your art and to support. No refunds needed