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Just for ease of reading I'm adding this update in a chunk to include the old pages.

Art thoughts: Wow, revisiting old projects is hard. There's a lot of mental energy required in trying to pick up something you've tried to not think about in a long time, but I think it's a good thing to try to get past. 

Because I make really sloppy thumbnails and I had only thumbnailed this chapter previously, revisiting it basically meant re-thumbnailing because I couldn't read my own work, lol.

Luckily, I'm at least 100% faster at that process than I was when I thumbnailed it the first time. I'm always surprised by how much of the art making process is nothing to do with actually drawing, understanding anatomy, storytelling, composition. I feel confident in my abilities as an artist but when it comes to overcoming the challenge of doing something my brain doesn't want to do, it's just a giant problem of mental fortitude.

Anyways, enough ruminating!! Thanks for your support! It'll be interesting getting two comics running in tandem, but now that I've got this one over a hump, the next update will be for Paya x Link.
Now that I look at these, I think I might either change the color palette of this comic or the Paya one, not sure which yet.




Metal Gear Ray

Well in my view I say you should change the color pallette for paya x link cause you do a really amazing job at coloring take zelbosa for example! Also your comics are so fun to read!


Thanks Ray! I was reeeeaally hoping to keep the color palette of PxL limited so it'd be easier to manage. I have too much I want to do!!! Maybe I'll just push off that job and work on pages in b/w for now and leave coloring for later. Oh procrastination--you little scamp!!


As much as I’d love to see where this goes, I do hope you’ll still work on it at your pace. You’re an amazing artist and burn out is a horrible experience. Personally, I think everything you share with us is such a treat. Even your sketches and WIPs have a lovely charm to them. Also, I’m not much of a visual artist but seeing your stuff genuinely makes me want to try my hand at creating visual art. 💕




Thanks so much for taking the time to write this Sebbie! I really appreciate your looking out for me in the way. I know my creative process tends to go in fits and starts, so when I make stuff I make a lot, and then I'll have periods where I'm a bit more slow. I'll be sure to try to approach it all in a balanced way. My goal is to enjoy the process as much as having competed the work, because I've come up against burnout in the past and it's always an indicator of my priorities being out of whack. Thanks again 💗