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08/23/20 NEW PAGE UPDATE! While making the new cover art I realized I could squeeze in ooooone more page if I was creative  in reusing the drawing. :) I hope you enjoy!

I should be able to get all the little fixes and formatting done this next week so that you'll all have a PDF download link at the end of the month! <3 Thank you for the support!

08/14/20 Coloring Complete!! until I realize I've forgotten something else.

08/12/20 EDIT Coloring Update! Not quite complete but  getting there! <3 Thanks for the support everyone, I've really enjoyed working on this comic.  <3  Just like with LBB being a Dulac/Bilibin homage, this one I wanted to pay homage to Winsor McCay's "Little Nemo in Slumberland" and Vittorio Giardino's erotic homage "Little Ego" (which I adore). 

 Thank you all so much for being enablers ;) 

08/09/20 EDIT: Page 11 is here with some temp coloring!! Happy Sunday! 

08/05/20 EDIT: Page 10, 11 is aaaalmost ready! I'm also experimenting with a bit of a different look for the coloring of the comic--hope to share that later this week.
08/01/20 EDIT: Another one! Happy Sunday!

07/30/20 EDIT: In my typical fashion, I'm continuing, coloring things out of order and just generally being haphazard. Fix it later! (I added just one more)

07/23/20 EDIT: Making slight tweaks as I go...(still need to do a lot of work on page 2) but they're coming along!

07/21/20 EDIT: WIP versions of pages 2-3 because they still need a little work. Okay, so I think page two will have more clarity with some color, but I had to find a way to get Link into Paya's bedroom in a hurry, so I send him through the roof xD It's chaos. 

Hello their friends and neighbors, happy Tuesday! I decided to post a kinda WIP Page 1 for the Paya X Link comic.

I'll keep updating this thread throughout the month as I complete new pages. I think this will be just a 1 color comic to try to keep it brief, but I know that a little pink will go a long way :)

Thank you all for your support and I hope you enjoy this new comic!




Metal Gear Ray

First page looking great winton! Really like the progress😃 again i love your style


Oh this will be good🔥🔥

Christopher French

Ahhhh like nectar of the Goddesses. Already I am so glad this one got plenty of votes. She looks so pretty and cute, omg.


Lol, thanks Chris! I'm still not sure if I'm drawing her face differently enough from Zelda but I usually hit my stride a few pages in and then go back and fix the old ones 🤷‍♂️


Link is going for that papaya!


I'm just imagining Link coming in covered in feathers and peck marks and that's not how this has to go but I'm happy I got to think about it


This is amazingly sexy!


Oh this is gonna be good ♡♡


The faces Paya makes on page three look adorable!


Oh my gosh this chaos is so good!!!

Nick I.

the way you draw paya's feet is so cute!


Thank you Nick!! 😊 I'm just trying to make every part of her a little bubbly and round :)

A Listless Bob

Wow. A lot of complex action being conveyed! Can't wait to see the sky sex! (will there be onlookers?)


That's a good question and honestly... I'm not sure yet? I'm not sure if I'll have a chance to fit an observer into this one the way I have it planned... 🤔

Metal Gear Ray

Oh we got to the spicy part😳

Nick I.

I'm not sure if this was intentional, but the way the L and the I in "slip" line up with Link's member? *chef's kiss*


Haha 😂 okay that was maybe unconscious artist brain, but I'll take it 😎

Metal Gear Ray

When they the sky is the limit they're not lying!

Christopher French

I sure hope he's got 3 wheels of stamina 👀💦


saw this on youtube &amp; it reminded me of the start of this comic: https://youtu.be/2moxVqzUhOQ


Huh. I guess I'm just gonna sit here and admire Link's butt for a bit. Color me surprised.

Metal Gear Ray

Haha paya grabbing that booty!😆

Christopher French

Ooh my... ooh. So much to enjoy in this comic.


Is there a MileHylian Club in Hyrule? If not, there is now!


I didn't set out to do that initially but I've made this comic a lot about butts?


You're the best, it's so nice!

Christopher French

If you haven't thought of a name for the comic: "Paya in the Sky" is right there Good lord this is amazing!


♫♪ Paya in the Sky, with Link's Dick ♪♫ (Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds)

Metal Gear Ray

Did...did the wind just help link give him a boost😆 haha winton this comic has been funny and sexy hey hope you are having a great weekend good work on the new page!


Hehe maybe it's just that Revali's nearby-- he's a good wingman nyuck nyuck nyuck.

Metal Gear Ray

WHA!? It was all just a horny dream😂 wow winton you got us there!!


Yep, that's what I thought. That is the cucco Link was chasing tho...


Wow...talk about a Literal Cock block


"It was all a dream" - Biggie Smalls somewhere probably


I just added it into the description above, bu I've been wanting to do a little homage to Vittorio Giardino's book "Little Ego" for a while now. &lt;3


Aah! So good! I love the backgrounds so much! It reminds me of the Nyx effect from MTG Theros. Like a static field of stars that just fill all shadows giving a surreal ethereal look. And I cant believe I missed Link bonking his head on the way up lol


I didn't plan for it but once i had drawn some stars I just wanted to keep using them! :) I've only played a little bit of MTG but I believe you! Also, hehe, yeah I feel bad for Link, I really toss him around a lot in this comic. Come to think of it, I put him through a lot in the game too Xp


Reminds me of those videos of Link accidentally blowing himself up and falling down for 10+ minutes going through multiple Faeries and Mipha's Embrace. Classic.

Christopher French

Winton, you know I love you But I am not seeing enough birthmark on her butt in all these pages.


Wahhhh you're probably right. I will do a birthmark audit before I put together the final PDF 😅

Metal Gear Ray

Thank you winton for another fun comic this one was really fun and sweet! Like always appreciate it the time and effort you put into this comic! Glad to put my support, can't wait for the next comic you do😄


Thanks so much for your support Ray! Glad to know that you enjoy the fruits of my labor :)


I love this comic so much! I cant wait for the next time you revisit them when hopefully Paya can feel Master Link's rough callused hands. Poor boy couldnt even hold her this time.


But alas, still a wonderful scene regardless. Besides, that looks like a decently sized diary, I'm sure there's plenty of room for more stories. ;)


Another amazing BoTW comic!! You continue to do magnificent work!!


Man I sure hope Impa was asleep or Paya would be roasted for this, too😭 Great work.

Christopher French

Don't forget that birthmark... Otherwise this is A++ 👍👀💯


Ahhhh this cover is gorgeous!!!!! Just beautiful! Comic was so much fun to follow along to, as always!