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I've been wanting to do this for some time and I decided today was the day to do it. I'm TELLING you guys, a Gibson Girl comic would be a good idea!!

<3 thanks for supporting my silliness, everyone.




I absolutely would love to see that kind of comic


YES WK I’m looking 👀👀👀❤️❤️❤️ Also I’m 1000000% interested in a Gibson Girl comic


A Gibson girl comic would be incredible. And what a market niche! Who else is going to be drawing a comic like that?

Christopher French

At first you had my interest. Now you have my attention.


I know, haha-- I'll just pursue the nichest of niches. 😂 But gosh, talk about self indulgent, Gibson has been a hero for me for mark making for a long time and I've loved studying his drawing.


yessssss thanks so much, that's outstanding

Piotr Bohdziewicz

Umm, more like this please. Like a whole freakin book.


Gosh I want to, I'm just imagining how sore my wrist will be when I'm done 😂


Dooo it

Gardner Underhill

God Yes! I have a book about the Zeigfeld dancers. It is full of photos of stockings and kickers. The earliest look like the Gibson Girls. It has an honored place on my bookshelf next to the book of Texas Bondage Girls with Guns. (Yes, that is a real book. That is its actual title.)

Piotr Bohdziewicz

I once had a beautiful hardcover german album of nude photos of women from the 80s, in the style of old Playboy photos, and I gave it away in what I can only assume was a fit of temporary insanity. I've been kickin myself for that ever since.

Piotr Bohdziewicz

Oh? Was this wonderful picture particularly tiresome to draw? Also I'd totally buy such a book.


It's just a lot of little lines and that can really burn out your wrist if you're not working at a really easy, relaxed pace.


I would happily join both of your book clubs 😂 These sound fantastic!! (Sorry for your loss Piotr) this is why I always check the naughty book section of the used book store, you never know what weird gem somebody just gave away!!

Amanda Clover

I vote for this one every time it comes up! The zelda comics and metroid comics are great, but this would be something special.


I think I'm definitely going to carve out some time for it in the near future, after doing this test I think it would be just too fun. A really unique challenge too!


Whoa :o


This is perfect 00 Hope you do more!

Piotr Bohdziewicz

Well, if you ever see a book with a bottomless blond woman wearing a lime green hoodie wrapped around her shoulders leaning sexily against a green banana tree....that one's mine ;_;


Wow, even the description is fantastic. You have my word, if I find it I'll mail it back, once I'm done scanning every page 😊

Metal Gear Ray

Classy! Bring this idea to light winton I'll read it up!


I support that idea. 😆 19th-20th-century stylized smut is 👌🏽


id loveeee to see a gibson girl comic


An amazing idea indeed! I can't wait to see it! :D