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"As if on cue, the large doors open. Inside the dark room are two figures partially hidden in shadow. The officers can only see the silhouettes of two very large figures. Silence fills the entire warehouse for what seems like an endless pause and then suddenly both figures take a step out of the shadows and into plain view. All the officers gasp at the sight of two massive Metahuman women of astounding size. One is a beautiful Asian titan, about 2.33 meters (7'7") in height and with a very massive musculature. The second woman is a beautiful black amazon, about 2.45 meters (8'0") in height and even impressively more muscle mass than her Asian counterpart. Both have very small waists, broad hips and shoulders, titanic thighs, bulging biceps, enormous breasts, and very beautiful angelic faces. Both goddesses are wearing the skimpiest of thong bikinis and walking barefoot.

The women’s first step was powerful enough that the entire ground shook from the impact of their bare feet on the hard cement floor. Deep cracks form on the cement tiles right under their feet extending outward like spider webs."



Kim Danver

Awesome picture ! DeeDee and Stacy are really scary here. That so exciting ! I tremble at the idea of what they are going to do next. It would be cool to see the next scene...

John Alamo

Does Stacy have a new face ?


Hi John. Not really. I think it's the facial expression which makes her look a little different.