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"DeeDee then extends both of her arms outwards and grabs onto the other two running agents. She swiftly coils her massive right arm around the head of one of the agents, holding him in an excruciatingly tight headlock, with his head painfully wedged between her powerful forearm and titanic biceps. Meanwhile she reaches for the second agent with DeeDee’s left hand and lifts the smaller woman off the ground by the collar. “Watch this.” Says DeeDee to the woman as looks intently into her eyes. Once she confirms the woman is watching the trapped man, the powerful black amazon begins to tighten the muscles on her right arm, making every fiber of her super-dense muscles grow and tighten around the man's head. The powerful woman increases the pressure on her arms, expanding her biceps to an even larger size. Slowly, the head of the man starts to give in, and his skull begins to crack loudly. She playfully lowers the pressure, only to pick it back up, taunting the man constantly as his skull continues to crack further. It doesn’t take long for the severe head trauma to cause his entire face to collapse inward crushing his facial bones to paste. Once DeeDee notices this, she smiles while never losing eye contact with the woman and proceeds to flex her biceps to their maximum extent. Her muscles swell so much they completely close the gap between her biceps, forearm and torso, this causes the man's head to be completely crushed to oblivion."


Guys, this are excerpts from the rewrite of one of my older stories. I'm taking the old stories that I've done decades ago and posted in Diana the Valkyrie's site and updating them with the current lore and events, relationships, etc. Specifically speaking I'm taking Alfa Taskforce I, II & III and turning them into one single narration, adding illustrations of certain events (will be an illustrated story and not a comic book).

For those of you who have read the original stories, you will notice some changes in form and dialogue but will recognize the events are the same. Saying it another way, I'm not taking anything out, I'm just making it consistent with everything I've been posting here for the last couple of years (the original 3 stories are from the year 2000).

I'm also adding more interactions between the characters, a few scenes with events that are meant to have happened but didn't write it at the time and the inclusion of concepts that had not been "invented" 21 years ago. All this to make it fit with our current narrative and for it to seamlessly connect with other works published here like the story Battle Scars which is meant to occur immediately after ATF III. One thing I'm trying to do as well is to flesh out some of the characters better, like Stacy and DeeDee, making sure each one is unique and you get a better sense why they do what they do. I'm also fleshing out the character Laura more, we've seen more of her in The Visit but we don't know much of about her past and what she brings to the team. And we will learn a bit more about the mob bosses DeeDee and Stacy work for and what is their relationship (if any) with their enforcers.

I wanted to do a rewrite of the story a for long time and now that I was working on a comprehensive timeline I realized it was the perfect time to do it, since there are things I want to add to the timeline but need to make sure every piece fits correctly. After ATF upgrade is published (hopefully in a matter of a few days) the story Vixen Party will also get the Illustrated update treatment. As I work on it, any parts that I see as visually interesting I'll create an illustration and will post here as I've been doing lately.





Crisna Alaircon

Wish there was a sequence rather than just a single pic.


Nice! I like the original stories so good to see the illustrations to go along.

Jason White

I like the smoother model.


Ooh, this is a surprise! I can’t wait to dig into the revised stories. 😁

Kim Danver

Does that mean that you are going to stop making comics and that you are going to give up projects with Pandora and the other characters ? 😢


Absolutely not! Everything else is still at play. Releasing an update version of the story does not mean everything else stops.

Kim Danver

Thank you very much Kurt. I am reassured ! So I can hope to see a new comic with the evil destructive Pandora in the near future ?