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Stacy takes a few steps back and then runs as fast as she can towards the edge of the roof and then she kicks up with enough strength to launch her extremely massive body all the way to the second building. Her body springs forward with the grace of an eagle and the speed of a bullet train. Her legs apply so much force against the roof of the building she is standing on, the whole structure shatters and collapses. Stacy smiles as she hears the screams of all the people inside the building as the structure collapses on top of them. Her explosive takeoff is so powerful, the shock wave she caused shatters the windows of every building a couple of city blocks away.

Stacy flight is short and very soon she reaches the building she had aimed for, however her majestic legs had pushed too hard against the previous building, and she flies over the roof of the target building. Her trajectory takes the powerful amazon in a collision course with the side of an apartment building. Noticing this, Stacy smiles and begins laughing maniacally, spreading her arms and legs to maximize the area of contact. The woman’s body slams against the south side of the building around between the seventh and eighth floor and punches its way through the structure as if had been made of wet noodles. Her muscular anatomy crashes violently through brick, mortar, furniture, and unsuspecting people, plowing through them like a massive wrecking ball. She laughs harder as she feels the bodies of her victims as they splatter against her powerful anatomy. Stacy’s body cuts a swath through the interior of the building, exiting the structure on the opposite side several floors below her point of entry.






Dayum the image with the mini story is super hot


If Stacy can do that, I shudder to think what DeeDee can do. 😁

Bill Vu

Damn, I love seeing Stacy in action, she's my fav super badgirl! She needs her own comic!

Kim Danver

She's big, beautiful and super powerful, plus she's evil, and she's very destructive... Stacy is definitively one of my favourite !