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Hello everyone,

Here is an upgraded version of our character strength chart. One limitation we've had before was to quantify these women's strength in a way that would scale correctly. When you have characters like Megan who is strong enough to lift a medium sized car and Cassandra who is strong enough (if it were physically possible) to lift the sun, a linear scale would not be useful.

What we've come up with is an exponential scale that measures how much could a character potentially lift and it goes from 0 to 10, where a value of 1 equals 100 kg or what an adult man in good shape could lift, 1.67 equals 474 kg or the world's power lifting record, and 10 is a value meaning infinity.

The info on this graphic will be considered Canon from here on. I've been very careful to try to make all the information here consistent with everything posted before but there might be somewhere a something that contradicts something previously stated on a picture or story. In any of those possible cases, the info on this graphic is what will be considered correct.

Notes about the character list:

1) You'll probably notice there is a high number of Bunny girls in the list. From the very beginning, Tammy was meant to have a very big family. She has 10 siblings, of which 1 is a boy and the rest are women. There have been images depicting groups of the sisters and individuals, dr. Pam is one who has had much screen time as well. The idea behind her family is that Tammy's dad is a normal human married to a big powerful bunny girl, and like bunnies do, she had lots of babies. Also, I liked the idea of a big house where there is a younger brother surrounded by 10 towering amazons. If that sounds familiar is because the concept was retooled for the Amazonias comic series, My girlfriend Tania, without the brother and at a much smaller scale.

2) Speaking of Tania and the comics made for Amazonias.net, I decided to incorporate those characters into our universe.

3) There are 3 characters who are futanari: Danielle, Nanda and Laurel (one of Tammy's sisters). I haven't made much with them yet but I wanted to show they exist and are part of this universe. This patreon is focused on female muscle art so it's unlikely they'll be posted here. I'm still figuring out what to do with them and how.

Well guys I really hope you enjoy this, it took a very long time to make. The longest part was to get all of their stats and figuring out how they related to each other.





steve scibelli

I'm not too picky, I just want a girlfriend who can lift Australia. Is that too much to ask?!


This is fantastic. I really appreciate the level of detail and development you put into your characters. It gives a real sense of authenticity to your universe. 👍🏽

Kim Danver

Agree with Grungykitten. Many congratulations for this immense and meticulous work that make your fantasy universe even more interesting.

John Alamo

What does the lifting sign number below their weight means ?


It's a way to deal with a very wide range of strength levels in a way that's intuitive once you understand how it works. It's like this, an exponential scale between 0 and 10, where 1 is the strength level of an average human male and 10 is infinite strength. The bottom half of the image has a scale from 0 to 10 and all the characters lined up according to strength. You can see above the scale bar what the numbers are equivalent to. For example, 1 is about 100kg, 2 is about 1.45 tons (the weight of an average pickup truck), 3 is 700+ tons or the weight of an oil tanker, etc. One effect of this scale is that the strength grows a lot faster the higher you go up the scale. This way, a small number with a few decimals can describe the strength of a normal person and the power of a goddess who can move planets with a flick of her wrist. Hope this brief explanation was helpful.

John Alamo

I see, just got it I didn’t realize that there were decimals. I thought the numbers were in the Thousands. So Ray Anderson is stronger than Mantis and two grown men ? And there are characters that we’ve never seen right ? Like a lot of member of the anderson rabbit family or Nanda


Yes, we haven't seen much of Ray but the concept behind him is that he is Tammy's only brother (many sisters, 1 brother). He has the same blood cursing through his veins as his sisters but he wasn't born with the very special characteristics his siblings have. He is far weaker than all his sisters however his lineage does give him a little extra. He is no superhuman but that little extra allows him peak-human stats like strength and stamina at the level of an Olympic athlete.


Yes, there are a few members of Tammy's family we haven't seen featured yet. I am planning a story where Tammy invites her boyfriend to a sleepover at her house (her parents will be out of town for the weekend) All Tammy's siblings would be at home and through the night Tim would interact with each one in different ways. I'm still working out the main plot and the motivations of each character (it's a lot of characters) but I hope I'll be able to write a full first draft soon.

John Alamo

Where would you place Jeannie from the Bottle on this Strength Scale?