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Hello everyone.

The world in general has been aware of the existence of super powered women for a few decades, researchers have found evidence of occurrences dating back a couple hundred years but very very few are aware that there are two super powered goddesses who have been living among us for thousands of years and who only reveal themselves to a very few individuals at a time.

Kara and Lila have managed to live in human cities surrounded by normal people without drawing attention to themselves by the use of two of their many especial abilities. Their ability to fly and their telesuggestion.

The twins are not native to our universe and the matter in their bodies is much more dense and resistant than anything in the periodic table. Their molecular makeup gives them invulnerability, near infinite strength and a very heavy body. Each girl weighs 80 metric tons. It is through their flight ability ( which they maintain "On" nearly all the time) that they keep most of their weight off the ground. Using their ability to levitate to reduce their weight is how they manage to walk on wooden floors, sit on chairs and even lay on a lover without crushing them.

The second form how they "cloak" themselves among the people is not by turning invisible or shape-shifting. They have limited telepathic abilities which let them implant suggestions on people's minds. They can't override people's wills or "mind-control" anyone however they can make it so people don't find them "out of place". At 2.45 m in height (8 feet tall), they are hard to miss in a crowd, however with their telepathic suggestion people do notice them, they admire how beautiful they are, but in the people's minds they don't register as "especial" or "out of place", so people go about their business without giving them a second thought. The influence of their suggestion encircles the globe, affecting every man, woman and child on the entire planet earth.

Once in a while Kara and Lila find individuals who they trust and wish them to see the twins as they are. For them, the powerful women can make exemptions and release individuals from their suggestion. When such an event happens, the majority of people in that situation, the moment they notice the supreme majesty of these two immortal goddesses they just drop to their knees and kiss the twins' feet in submission. If asked, they'll probably deny it but in reality, they love when that happens.





Crisna Alaircon

Pretty sure that suggestion ability is a real thing and some people walk among us without us noticing them for what they really are

Jason White

My absolute favorite of your OC’s. I still read Cosmic Twins sometimes.